Releases: JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl
Releases · JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl
v0.5.5 (2020-01-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Update Project.toml to 0.5.5 (#252) (mfalt)
- Update .travis.yml (#248) (baggepinnen)
- prevent promotion to Float64 in unwrap (#247) (baggepinnen)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Colors" to "0.11" (#245) (github-actions[bot])
- Integer systems to float zpk (#244) (mfalt)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Colors" to "0.10" (#243) (github-actions[bot])
- Norminf refactor (#242) (olof3)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Plots" to "0.28" (#240) (github-actions[bot])
- Create CompatHelper.yml (#238) (mfalt)
v0.5.4 (2019-11-13)
Closed issues:
- Is that a bug? PID and delay system. (#232)
- showterm2 function out of date (#229)
- pidplots returns nothing unless :controller in args (#226)
- Fractional control support (#225)
- Stack overflow for inverse of delayed system (#217)
Merged pull requests:
- Added lower bounds on packages (#239) (mfalt)
- Release 0.5.4 option2 (#236) (mfalt)
- Proposed 0.5.4 version (#234) (mfalt)
- Daretest (#233) (mfalt)
- update of showterm2 due to 'j' parameter removed from Polynomials.printsign (#230) (andrersimoes)
- Fix pidplots for cases where plot type is not :controller (#227) (non-Jedi)
- Remove defenition of dlqr for vector case (#223) (mfalt)
- Moredelays (#220) (baggepinnen)
- WIP Fixplots and example (#219) (mfalt)
- Delayfixes (#218) (baggepinnen)
- Better tol in delay solve (#216) (baggepinnen)
- Delay lti2 (#191) (mfalt)
- WIP: Delayed LTI (#178) (mfalt)
- Update DARE (#173) (HppyCtrlEngnrng)
See Readme for news
v0.5.1 Add news about identification to readme (#190)
Julia 1 compatible version
v0.5.0 updated plot limits, travis and documentation plots
Major revision with parametric types
Some important changes:
- LTISystem types are now more generic and can hold matrices/vectors of arbitrary type
- Continuous time systems are simulated with continuous time solvers from
- Freqresp now returns frequencies in the first dimension.
- Breaking:
lsim(sys, u::Function)
syntax has changed fromu(t,x)
to be consistent withOrdinaryDiffEq
- Breaking:
no longer returnsfeedback(P*C)
. The behavior is changed tofeedback(P1, P2) = P1/(1+P1*P2)
. - Type
provides lower level interface to continuous time simulation.
Support 0.6
Merge pull request #94 from JuliaControl/BugsAnd0.6 Julia 0.6
Support for Julia 0.5
- Support for Julia 0.5
- Tests pass even if ControlExamplePlots is missing
- Minor bug fixes
Plots.jl compability and Tests for plots
- We are now testing all the plots and comparing to reference images
- Code is updated to work with the new Plots.jl syntax
- Minor bug fixes and features
This is a re-release since the previous version wasn't accepted into METADATA.jl. v0.1.4 previously referred to one commit earlier.
Features, bug fixes and docs
v0.1.3 ControlSystems v0.1.3 [036e3b498b]