This project was initially a project we did for the programming course at the University. We were asked to programm a little appilcation as a test to pass the class and we taught a Covid-Tracker would be a pretty nice thing to programm. It was our first project for ll of us, and we learned a lot of things and gained a lot of programming experience. After we passed the class, I decided to continue working on the project myself. Small bugs still need to be fixed and the computing time is still a bit long. The data set used at the beginning has also been changed and the program still needs to be adapted and optimized to this new format.
There are two Data sets used in the programm. The first is a once daily updated number of cases and death from the bigining of the pandemic until the December 16th 2020, and the second is a weekly updated number of cases and deaths from 17th December 2020.
Tool for collecting and visualizing Covid-19 infection numbers in europa
- Operating system: Windows 10 64 Bits
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 16 GB
- Resolution: 1600 x 900
This project is built using Qt Creator 4.12.4, based on Qt 5.14.2 (MSVC 2017, 32 bit)
- Download Qt Creator for free here
- Kit: Desktop Qt 5.12.8 MinGW 32-Bit
- QT Core
- QT Network
- QT Charts
Read the manual instruction here (in german)