Status: In progress
- 🌱 Developing a programmer
- 🤖 I’m looking to collaborate on a backend team
- 💟 Passionate about programming
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with estágio
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected] ou meu whatsapp (21)98742-1561
- I'm looking for a Junior Internship/Job Opportunity as a programmer Back-and or software developer
- Improve my knowledge in the area of programming with real projects
- Put into practice the knowledge I mine from my studies
- Work on software development projects
- POO em Java
- Programação estruturada em C
- Modelagem de Dados
- Fundamentos da Web com HTML, CSS e JavaScript
- Formation .NET developer
- Git and GitHub certification
- Working in agile teams
- Introduction to Modern Software Development
- ChatGPT for Devs
- Status: 3º Período
- course : Information Systems
- Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/NF)