- This is the official repository of the paper "DeepM2CDL: Deep Multi-scale Multi-modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning Network" from IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). [Paper Link]
- Python >= 3.5
- PyTorch == 1.7.1 is recommended
- opencv-python = =
- tqdm
- scikit-image == 0.15.0
- scipy == 1.3.1
- Matlab
- For flash guided non-flash image denoising task, we randomly select image pairs from Aksoy dataset for training (400 image pairs) and testing (12 image pairs).
- For RGB guided depth image super-resolution task, the training data is from the DPDN dataset and the testing datasets are from the Middlebury dataset and the Sintel dataset.
- For multi-focus image fusion task, we generate the training data from DIV2K dataset and the testing image pairs for multi-focus image fusion are from the Lytro Mutli-focus image dataset.
- For multi-exposure image fusion task, the training data are from the SICE dataset. The testing images are from SICE dataset, MEFB dataset and PQA-MEF dataset.
All the training and testing images for different MIP tasks used in this paper can be downloaded from the [Google Drive Link]
git clone https://github.com/JingyiXu404/TPAMI-DeepM2CDL.git
1. Prepare dataset: If you do not use same datasets as us, place the test images in Flash_Guide_Nonflash_Denoise/code/data/denoise/
└── test_flash
└── flash
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_nonflash
└── nonflash
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
2. Setup configurations: In Flash_Guide_Nonflash_Denoise/code/options/MMIR_test_denoising_new.json
"root": "debug/N25"
"pretrained_netG": "../Results_models/N25/"
"sigma": [25], // noise level [25,50,75]}
3. Run:
cd Flash_Guide_Nonflash_Denoise/code/
python MMIR_test_dcdicl.py
1. Prepare dataset: If you do not use same datasets as us, place the test images in RGB_Guide_Depth_Super-resolution/code/data/depth_sr/
└── test_depth
└── depth
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_lr
└── depth_lr
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_rgb
└── rgb
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
2. Run:
cd RGB_Guide_Depth_Super-resolution/code/
python MMIR_test_dcdicl_sr.py
1. Prepare dataset: If you do not use same datasets as us, place the test images in Multi-Focus_Fusion/code/data/multi-focus/
└── test_A
└── source_A
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_B
└── source_B
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
2. Run:
cd Multi-Focus_Fusion/code/
python MMIF_test_mf.py
git clone https://github.com/JingyiXu404/TPAMI-DeepM2CDL.git
1. Prepare dataset: If you do not use same datasets as us, place the test images in Flash_Guide_Nonflash_Denoise/code/data/denoise/
└── test_flash
└── flash
├── 1.png
└── 2.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_nonflash
└── nonflash
├── 1.png
└── 2.png
└── other test datasets
└── train_flash
└── train_nonflash
2. Setup configurations: In Flash_Guide_Nonflash_Denoise/code/options/MMIR_test_denoising_new.json
"pretrained_netG": null
"G_optimizer_lr": 1e-4, // learning rate
"checkpoint_test": 10, // testing per xx epoch
"checkpoint_savemodel": 50, // saving model per xx epoch
"checkpoint_log":50, // saving training information per xx epoch
"checkpoint_saveimage": 50, // saving output images per xx epoch
3. Run:
cd Flash_Guide_Nonflash_Denoise/code/
python MMIR_DN25_s2_c2_r2.py # for noise level 25
python MMIR_DN50_s2_c2_r2.py # for noise level 50
python MMIR_DN75_s2_c2_r2.py # for noise level 75
1. Prepare dataset: If you do not use same datasets as us, place the test images in RGB_Guide_Depth_Super-resolution/code/data/depth_sr/
└── test_depth
└── depth
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_lr
└── test_rgb
└── train_depth
└── train_lr
└── train_rgb
2. Run:
cd RGB_Guide_Depth_Super-resolution/code/
python MMIR_SR_train_s2_c2_r2.py
1. Prepare dataset: If you do not use same datasets as us, place the test images in Multi-Focus_Fusion/code/data/multi-focus/
└── test_A
└── source_A
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
└── test_B
└── source_B
├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png
└── other test datasets
2. Run:
cd Multi-Focus_Fusion/code/
python MMIF_MF_train_s2_c2_r2.py
If you find our work useful in your research or publication, please cite our work:
title={DeepM 2 CDL: Deep Multi-scale Multi-modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning Network},
author={Deng, Xin and Xu, Jingyi and Gao, Fangyuan and Sun, Xiancheng and Xu, Mai},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
If you have any question about our work or code, please email [email protected]