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JasperLorelai edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Version 1.1.0:

Requires MagicSpells 4.0 beta 11 or above.


  • Added data placeholder.
  • Removed player target requirement where it isn't needed.
  • Names may have leading spaces, allowing you to avoid keywords. For example, this placeholder will return the current variable value of max_gold instead of its max: %ms_variable_ max_gold,0%.


Arguments in [] brackets are required, while arguments in () brackets are optional - the placeholders will work without them.

Placeholder Description Requires target
%ms_variable_[varName],(precision)% Returns MS variable value of the target, string or floating point. Name may have leading spaces. If the variable type isn't global.
%ms_variable_max_[varName],(precision)% Returns maximal value of MS variable value of the target, floating point. Name may have leading spaces. No
%ms_variable_min_[varName],(precision)% Returns minimal value of MS variable value of the target, floating point. Name may have leading spaces. No
%ms_cooldown_[spellName],(precision)% Returns MS initial spell cooldown. Name may have leading spaces. No
%ms_cooldown_now_[spellName],(precision)% Returns current MS spell cooldown of the target. Name may have leading spaces. Yes
%ms_charges_[spellName]% Returns MS initial spell charges. Name may have leading spaces. No
%ms_charges_consumed_[spellName]% Returns consumed charges of the target. Name may have leading spaces. Yes
%ms_mana% Yes
%ms_mana_max% Yes
%ms_buff_[spellName],(precision)% Returns initial buff spell duration. Name may have leading spaces. No
%ms_buff_now_[spellName],(precision)% Returns current buff spell duration of the target. Name may have leading spaces. Yes
%ms_selectedspell% Returns the internal name of the selected spell on the target's item. Yes
%ms_selectedspell_displayed% Returns the external name of the selected spell (from name property) on the target's item. Yes
%ms_data_[dataElement]% Data elements can be found here DataLivingEntity Or DataEntity. If the data element does. Try it before using in production.


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