A personal Anki utility tool written in Rust, that uses the AnkiConnect plugin to provide its functionality.
Install the AnkiConnect plugin in Anki and restart. Anki has to be running for this utility tool to function.
**coming some time later **
- Add 'tag required' validation
- Add 'tag starts with' validation
- Add integration tests
- Add logging
- Add value sets validation
- CLI: Parameter for different port
- CLI: Parameter for different url (default: localhost)
- Refactor anki request api
- CLI: Parameter for config
- CLI: Parameter to filter error types
- CLI: Parameter to filter field names
- CLI: Parameter to open notes in the Anki browser
- CLI: Print validation errors in a table format to the browser
- Print error messages to stderr
- Refactor table print and write to buffer instead
- Refactor validation libary
- Try error handling with
crate - Try error handling with
crate - Validate note model and field values provided in config
- For the anki rest api wrapper these guides could help:
- Support different versions
- Support different http clients
- Support async and blocking requests