video walkthrough at Youtube/JanLunge
is used for some json bash script parsing
- there is a DISPLAY menu in polybar that is a simple menu with
for toggling screens or the compositor on and off - Many of my config settings are hardcoded specific to my setup so i can recommend to just copy what you like and adjust it to your needs
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
for linking dotfiles to the right place
the wallpaper in the screenshot and video is from martin adams on unsplash and i did a orange tinted version of it which you can grab here
key | Action |
super + d | Rofi |
super + y | Power menu in Rofi |
super + [1-9] | switch to desktop |
super + shift +[1-9] | move window to desktop |
super + shift + arrow | move window in direction |
super + f | fullscreen window |
super + s | floating mode on current desktop |
super + u | create frame under current frame |
super + o | create frame right to current frame |
super + r | remove frame |
super + space | toggle between modes of tiling inside a frame (very useful) |
super + tab | switch focus between windows in current desktop (very nice as this ony switches in the current desktop) |
creates 3 virtual desktops on startup left and right are used like seconday monitors the central monitor
either uses tiling or toggles to floating mode with super + s
you can create hotkeys to change the sizes of the virtual monitors with hc keybind $Mod-m set_monitors 1280x1440+0+1080 2560x1440+1280+1080 1280x1440+3840+1080
for wider side monitors when needed
yay -S ttf-fantasque-sans-git ttf-material-icons
sudo pacman -S emacs adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
git clone ~/.emacs.d
logfiles for terminal usage sudo rm -rf /private/var/log/asl/*.asl
zsh history mv ~/.zsh_history ~/zsh_history_backup