This is a small python file that will get the web status of a site (in this case and relay that to the user through the awesome PiGlow by Pimoroni, using the bulit-in module "urllib" as well as an external one - "piglow" created by Boeeerb.
BTW part of this tutorial is "borrowed" from Boeeerb! - this one test a web page and then lights the corresponding led - this is imported into the
The follwing module is required:
- python-smbus
SMBus allows python to communicate with the PiGlow over the i2c bus.
Update the Raspberry Pi
sudo apt-get update
Now enable the i2c driver by opening the following file in your Favourite text editor
sudo nano /etc/modules
And adding these two lines to the end of the file
The file should now look like this
Press Ctrl-X and when prompted press Y
Now edit the next file raspi-blacklist.conf
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
And add # (hash sybols) to the beggining of each line
Again press Ctrl-X and when prompted press Y
Now restart the Raspberry Pi
sudo reboot
Create a directory for PiGlow and web-status to live in called src
sudo mkdir /src
Once this folder is created cd into it
cd /src
###Now for the actual installation
First install the PiGlow module
sudo wget
Now the file
sudo wget
Now to test the file run
sudo python
This will start printing either green, red or orange
And light up the corresponding leds.
Press Ctrl-Z to end the program.
Now this is all well and good but what's the point of it? Well I run a web server off of my headless Pi and want to know if my site is up or down without having to open my browser - I know, lazy right :p
To change the site address to simply
sudo nano
And edit the following line from
sitecode = urlopen("").getcode()
sitecode = urlopen("").getcode()
Or what ever you want.
As I run my web server headless I don't want to keep having to start the script every time I boot up my Pi, so I have automated it.
First cd into the init.d directory by
cd /etc/init.d
Now create the file "web-status"
sudo nano web-status
And enter the following
#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/test
# Provides: clock
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Simple script to monitor the status of a website
# Description: Simple script to monitor the status of a website
case "$1" in
sudo python /src/web-status/
killall python
exit 1
exit 0
You should know it by now - press Ctrl-X and when prompted press Y
Now make the file an executable
sudo chmod +x web-status
And add it to the start up scripts by
sudo update-rc.d web-status defaults
Now reboot your Pi
sudo reboot
And enjoy
James12802 =D