This is a public repository for my PhD thesis. I'm using it mostly to keep track of my work, have a CI to build document previews frequently, and make it available to curious readers.
You'll see me working on it on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
C++ metaprogramming techniques, embedding languages in C++ using
programming for parsing, studying the thin barrier between
function output and C++ templates for code generation,
generic programming for high performance computing,
and compiler execution time analysis.
My PhD advisor, C++ nerds, or anyone else interested in metaprogramming or HPC.
Set up you environment right. If you're familiar with LSP, use TexLab.
Read this free book for useful tips on bibliography, glossaries, etc.
Use subfiles, not include. Subfiles helps with automatic forward search. When adding subfiles, keep all header stuff in the main document. You cannot have subfiles that incorporate other subfiles. All subfiles must be declared in the main LaTeX file which serves as a main "glue" document. It should not be problematic even for a large thesis.
Use the following form for
:\begin{lstlisting}[ language=c++, caption=A random caption, label=a_random_label ]{} // ... \end{lstlisting}
The trainling
after the parameter block helps syntax highlighting with code editors such as Kate. -
Kate TexLab LSP config for Zathura forwarding:
{ "servers": { "latex": { "command": [ "texlab", "--log-file", "/tmp/texlog.txt" ], "settings": { "diagnostics": { "ignoredPatterns": [ ".*hbox.*" ] }, "build": { "executable": "latexmk", "args": [ "-pdf", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", "--shell-escape", "%f" ], "onSave": true, "forwardSearchAfter": true }, "forwardSearch": { "executable": "zathura", "args": [ "%p", "--synctex-forward=%l:1:%f" ] }, "chktex": { "onOpenAndSave": false, "onEdit": false }, "diagnosticsDelay": 300, "formatterLineLength": 80, "bibtexFormatter": "texlab", "latexFormatter": "texlab", "latexindent": { "local": null, "modifyLineBreaks": true } } } } }
file for reverse search:set synctex true set synctex-editor-command "kate %{input}:%{line}"