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Quick start

Tomoaki Tani edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

Quick Start Guide

Experience the streamlined custom-building process of the YAMA scanner, which leverages a GitHub account and a web browser, negating the need for traditional build environments like Visual Studio.

Prerequisite: GitHub Account Setup

The build process requires a GitHub account. If one does not exist, sign up for a free plan.

Step 1: Forking the YAMA Repository

Start the build process by forking the YAMA repository on GitHub. This operation clones the repository, allowing for personalized modifications.

Step 2: Activating GitHub Actions

Following the repository forking, activate GitHub Actions in the browser. This action prepares the platform for the subsequent automated build process.

Step 3: Modifying and Committing Custom YARA Rules

Navigate to YAMA/rsrc/ioc/rule.yara and modify it according to your requirements. The rules defined here will be embedded in the YAMA scanner. You may edit these rules using your preferred text editor or through GitHub's WebUI. Upon editing, commit the custom YARA rules to the forked repository, personalizing the YAMA scanner.

Step 4: Invoking the Automated Build Process

Post-commit, GitHub Actions autonomously initiates the build process, thereby commencing the assembly of your custom scanner.

Step 5: Retrieving the Custom-Built YAMA Scanner

Upon completing the build process, your customized YAMA scanner is ready. Access and download it from the 'Actions' tab.