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Updates to hdf-eos2 from spack develop PR #23

Updates to hdf-eos2 from spack develop PR

Updates to hdf-eos2 from spack develop PR #23

name: ubuntu-ci-c6a-x86_64-gnu-build
- 'doc/**'
- '**.md'
- '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/*'
- '.gitignore'
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
shell: bash
runs-on: [ubuntu-ci-c6a-x86_64]
- name: cleanup
run: |
ls -lart
rm -fr *
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: true
- name: create-buildcache
run: |
# Get day of week to decide whether to use build caches or not
DOW=$(date +%u)
# Monday is 1 ... Sunday is 7
if [[ $DOW == 7 ]]; then
export USE_BINARY_CACHE=false
echo "Ignore existing binary cache for creating buildcache environment"
export USE_BINARY_CACHE=true
echo "Use existing binary cache for creating buildcache environment"
# spack-stack setup
source ./
export ENVNAME=ue-gcc-11.4.0-buildcache
export ENVDIR=$PWD/envs/${ENVNAME}
spack stack create env --site linux.default --template unified-dev --name ${ENVNAME}
spack env activate ${ENVDIR}
# Find external packages
spack external find --scope system \
--exclude bison --exclude openssl \
--exclude curl --exclude python
spack external find --scope system sed
spack external find --scope system perl
spack external find --scope system wget
spack external find --scope system texlive
spack external find --scope system mysql
# For GNU
spack compiler find --scope system
# For buildcaches
spack config add config:install_tree:padded_length:200
# Set compiler and MPI
spack config add "packages:all:providers:mpi:[[email protected]]"
spack config add "packages:all:compiler:[[email protected]]"
sed -i "s/\['\%aocc', '\%apple-clang', '\%gcc', '\%intel'\]/\['\%gcc'\]/g" $ENVDIR/spack.yaml
# Add additional variants for MET packages, different from config/common/packages.yaml
spack config add "packages:met:variants:+python +grib2 +graphics +lidar2nc +modis"
# Concretize and check for duplicates
spack concretize 2>&1 | tee log.concretize.gnu-11.4.0-buildcache
${SPACK_STACK_DIR}/util/ -d log.concretize.gnu-11.4.0-buildcache -i fms -i crtm -i esmf -i mapl
# Add and update source cache
spack mirror add local-source file:///home/ubuntu/spack-stack/source-cache/
spack mirror create -a -d /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/source-cache/
# Add binary cache if requested
if [ "$USE_BINARY_CACHE" = true ] ; then
spack mirror add local-binary file:///home/ubuntu/spack-stack/build-cache/
spack buildcache update-index local-binary
echo "Packages in spack binary cache:"
spack buildcache list
# Break installation up in pieces and create build caches in between
# This allows us to "spin up" builds that altogether take longer than
# six hours, and/or fail later in the build process.
# base-env
echo "base-env ..."
spack install --fail-fast --source --no-check-signature base-env 2>&1 | tee log.install.gnu-11.4.0-buildcache.base-env
spack buildcache create -a -u /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/build-cache/ base-env
# jedi-base-env
echo "jedi-base-env ..."
spack install --fail-fast --source --no-check-signature jedi-base-env 2>&1 | tee log.install.gnu-11.4.0-buildcache.jedi-base-env
spack buildcache create -a -u /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/build-cache/ jedi-base-env
# the rest
echo "unified-env ..."
spack install --fail-fast --source --no-check-signature 2>&1 | tee log.install.gnu-11.4.0-buildcache.unified-env
spack buildcache create -a -u /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/build-cache/
# Remove binary cache for next round of concretization
if [ "$USE_BINARY_CACHE" = true ] ; then
spack mirror rm local-binary
# Remove buildcache config settings
spack config remove config:install_tree:padded_length
# Next steps: synchronize source and build cache to a central/combined mirror?
# Cleanup
spack clean -a
spack env deactivate
- name: create-env
run: |
source ./
export BUILDCACHE_ENVNAME=ue-gcc-11.4.0-buildcache
export ENVNAME=ue-gcc-11.4.0
export ENVDIR=$PWD/envs/${ENVNAME}
rsync -av --exclude='install' --exclude='spack.lock' --exclude='.spack_db' ${BUILDCACHE_ENVDIR}/ ${ENVDIR}/
spack env activate ${ENVDIR}
# Concretize
spack concretize --force 2>&1 | tee log.concretize.gnu-11.4.0
${SPACK_STACK_DIR}/util/ -d log.concretize.gnu-11.4.0 -i fms -i crtm -i esmf -i mapl
# Add binary cache back in and reindex it
spack mirror add local-binary file:///home/ubuntu/spack-stack/build-cache/
echo "Packages in combined spack build caches:"
spack buildcache list
# base-env
echo "base-env ..."
spack install --fail-fast --source --no-check-signature 2>&1 | tee log.install.gnu-11.4.0.unified-env
${SPACK_STACK_DIR}/util/ $SPACK_ENV 2>&1 | tee log.ldd_check
spack clean -a
spack module tcl refresh -y
spack stack setup-meta-modules
spack env deactivate
# Test environment chaining
echo "Test environment chaining"
spack stack create env --name chaintest --template empty --site linux.default --upstream $(realpath envs/${ENVNAME}/install)
# Retain config from upstream so we don't have to rebuild:
cp -r $PWD/envs/${ENVNAME}/{site,common} $PWD/envs/chaintest/.
spack env activate ${PWD}/envs/chaintest
spack add [email protected]%gcc
spack concretize | tee envs/chaintest/log.concretize
unwanted_duplicates=$(( cat envs/chaintest/log.concretize | grep -E '^ - ' | grep -Fv '[email protected]' || true ) | wc -l)
if [ ${unwanted_duplicates} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Environment chaining test failed"; exit 1; fi
spack env deactivate
- name: test-env
run: |
source /etc/profile.d/
module use /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/modulefiles
export ENVNAME=ue-gcc-11.4.0
export ENVDIR=$PWD/envs/${ENVNAME}
ls -l ${ENVDIR}/install/modulefiles/Core
module use ${ENVDIR}/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-gcc/11.4.0
module load stack-openmpi/5.0.1
module load stack-python/3.10.13
module available
module load jedi-ufs-env
module load ewok-env
module load soca-env
module list