UnOfficial Clone Of Torrent-AIO-Bot
This is an unofficial clone of Torrent-AIO-Bot.
If you like to make your own version of this mod, just click on "Deploy to Heroku" button π:
- Your Heroku app urlSEARCH_SITE
- Your Heroku app url (You can also set this to "". [Not my site tho])TELEGRAM_TOKEN
- Your telegram bot token (Get it from @BotFather)GDRIVE_PARENT_FOLDER
- Your Google Folder Id (Team drive id supported)
β - Your Google Drive Drive API Client ID (Defaults
rcone's client id)CLIENT_SECRET
β - Your Google Drive Drive API Client Secret (Defaults to:X4Z3ca8xfWDb1Voo-F9a7ZxJ
rcone's client secret)TOKEN
- Get this token from ( is your heroku app name)AUTH_CODE
- While Obtaining the "TOKEN" your website (heroku app) will ask you to login to your account. After a successful login you'll get this
β - If you don't have those just don't fill them but if you have remember to use your own Google Dirve credentials
- Set this to "true" if you don't wanna use the websiteO337X_SITE
- If you want to change search site for "1337x"LIMETORRENT_SITE
- If you want to change search site for "limetorrent"PIRATEBAY_SITE
- If you want to change search site for "piratebay"
β οΈ : Change the search site urls only if the search feature is broken (Not working).
Endpoint | Params | Return |
/torrent/download | link: string | { error: bool, link: string, infohash: string errorMessage?: string } |
/torrent/list | none | {error: bool, torrents: [ torrent, torrent, ... ]} |
/torrent/remove | link: string | { error: bool, errorMessage?: string } |
/torrent/status | link: string | {error: bool, status: torrent, errorMessage?: string} |
link is magnet url of the torrent
torrent: {
magnetURI: string,
speed: string,
downloaded: string,
total: string,
progress: number,
timeRemaining: number,
redableTimeRemaining: string,
downloadLink: string,
status: string,
done: bool
Endpoint | Params | Return |
/search/{site} | query: string, site?: string | {error: bool, results: [ result, ... ], totalResults: number, } |
/details/{site} | query: string | {error: bool, torrent } |
query is what you want to search for or the link of the torrent page site is the link to homepage of proxy to use must have a trailing '/'
result: {
name: string,
link: string,
seeds: number,
details: string
torrent: {
title: string,
info: string,
downloadLink: string,
details: [ { infoTitle: string, infoText: string } ]
sites available: "piratebay", "1337x", "limetorrent"
Written by: patheticGeek for the original project
Written by: patheticGeek for the original project
- Go to and click on Enable the Drive API. Copy client id and set an enviorment variable in heroku with name CLIENT_ID then copy client secret and set another env named CLIENT_SECRET.
- Goto https://<project name> and paste your client id and secret and click "Get auth code", it will redirect you to login and you'll get a auth code after login paste that auth code in the auth code feild and click "Generate token" it'll give you a token. now set these as env variable CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, AUTH_CODE and TOKEN.
- By default files are uploaded in the root of drive if you dont want to upload in root folder make a folder copy its id and set a env var GDRIVE_PARENT_FOLDER and value id of desired folder. The folder id will be the last part of the url such as in url "" the folder id is "1rpk7tGWs_lv_kZ_W4EPaKj8brfFVLOH-".
- If you want team drive support open your teamdrive and copy the folder id from url eg. this is link of a team drive copy the last part "0ABZHZpfYfdVCUk9PVA" this will be your GDRIVE_PARENT_FOLDER. If you want them in a folder in teamdrive open the folder and use that folder's id instead.
- You're good to go. The gdrive status will be shown in "gdrive.txt" file when you click Open on the website downloads page. Bot wil automatically send you drive link when its uploaded.
Use this torrent for testing or when downloading to setup drive it is well seeded and downloads in ~10s
Written by: patheticGeek for the original project
To change the pirate bay site, visit the site you would like to use search something there, copy the url eg. and replace the search with {term} so the url looks like{term} ans set this to env var PIRATEBAY_SITE
Same, if you want to change the limetorrents site visit the site you want to use and search for something, then replace the thing you searched for with {term} so final url looks like{term} and set this value to env var LIMETORRENT_SITE
Simillarly the enviorment variable for 1337x is O337X_SITE
Written by: Itz-fork for the unofficial clone
Follow these steps π,
- Fork this repo and connect it to your heroku app
- Add the following buildpack to your heroku app (click to copy)
- Redeploy your heroku app
If the search feature still isn't working try checking your heroku apps Configs
β οΈ : The search feature is currently unmaintained due to the inconsistency between proxy sites and their uptimes
- PathetikGeek - This hardwork is done by this person!
- rony-alt-ac - For Search Fix!