This is a work in progress which is quickly evolving! Stay tuned.
Rholang is a concurrent programming language, with a focus on message-passing, formally modeled by the ρ-calculus, a reflective, higher-order extension of the π-calculus. It is designed to be used to implement protocols and "smart contracts" on a general-purpose blockchain, but could be used in other settings as well.
The open-source RChain project is building a decentralized, economically secure, censorship-resistant, public, global compute infrastructure and blockchain. It will host and execute programs popularly referred to as smart contracts. It will be trustworthy, scalable, concurrent, with proof-of-stake consensus and content delivery.
My main Rholang work is going on in /Languages/GroundedRho. This work started as an implementation of the ρ-calculus with ground terms (Bool, Int, String) and name variables. It is quickly becoming a full scale implementation of RChain Rholang.
I am currently learning K Framework. I will curate all of the relevant materials that I encounter/create here.
Check out my attempt at a cheat sheet for K Framework
Deeper Dive: Papers
K - A Semantic Framework for Programming Languages and Formal Analysis Tools
A Truly Concurrent Semantics for K Framework Based on Graph Transformarions
A Language-Independent Approach to Smart Contract Verification
IELE: An Intermediate-Level Blockchain Language Designed and Implemented Using Formal Semantics