ReplenishNow is a recommendation engine designed for small-to-medium enterprises seeking to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their inventory restocking strategies. The system implements existing industry methods to forecast inbound stock to balance between safeguard against stock-out (no products to fulfill customer orders) whilst minimizing inventory to avoid over stocking (unnecessary overhead and depreciation costs). Under the hood, ReplenishNow uses a combination of machine reasoning and learning to forecast and monitor the supply and demand levels to make daily adjustments to inventory levels in real time.
Official Full Name | Student ID | Work Items/Roles | |
Cao Zengyu | A0214887R | System Design/Architect, Algorithm Developement, Backend Development | [email protected] |
Benjamin Lim | A1234567B | Project Management, UI Development | [email protected] |
Toh Zhi Yuan | A0269367L | Data Scientist, Development | [email protected] |
Note: More reference video presentations here
Refer to appendix <Installation & User Guide> in project report at Github Folder: ProjectReport
Go to URL using web browser: ReplenishNow-retool
- Register account for Retool
- Check the application components: App, Retool Database, Workflow, etc.
- Expose the app ready to use
library required: !pip install pycaret
Use the API deployed: POST ""
use the file under SystemCode/replenish_optimiser folder to set up in Google Cloud Function
library required: functions-framework==3.* & ortools
Use the API deployed: POST
Refer to project report at Github Folder: ProjectReport
Recommended to read the chapters in Project Report:
- Executive Summary
- Market Research
- Project Definition
- System Design (Architecture, data flow, modules design, database schema)
- Demand Forecasting (Theory Study and our methodology)
- Replenishment (Theory Study and our methodology)
- System Implementation & testing
- Project Conclusions: Findings & Recommendation
Refer to Github Folder: Miscellaneous
- /raw_data_DMC: raw data from DMC2022 competition
- inventory.csv, master.csv, sales_order.csv: data being mapped into database tables
- top78Items_aggr_weekly.csv: selected a pool of items from dataset download
- item_20109_moq.csv: result of the naive replenishment strategy applied on item 20109
- replenish_notification.csv: result of automated decision maker exported
- system_design.drawio: including all the diagrams
This project is the practical module of the Analytics and Intelligent Systems and Graduate Certificate in Intelligent Reasoning Systems (IRS) series offered by NUS-ISS.
Lecturer: GU Zhan (Sam)