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New multiplier with RAM for modulo reduction, pairing is 30% faster.
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Updated several testbenches to use new multiplier.
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bsdevlin authored and bsdevlin committed Sep 15, 2019
1 parent a598d71 commit 57ee6c8
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,14 @@ These contain shared IP cores that are used by the projects in this repo. These
* Hash map implementation
- Fully parameterized for bit widths and uses CRC as the hashing function
* Blocks for parsing/processing streams
* Karabutsa multiplier
* Karatsuba multiplier
- Fully parameterized for number of levels
* Barret reduction for modulo reduction when the modulus does not allow fast reduction
- Both a fully pipelined high performance version and a slower but smaller resource utilization version
* Fully parallel multiplier with carry save adder tree and RAM for modular reduction
- Fully pipelined, 3x performance over Karatsuba + Barret, but uses FPGA RAM
* Multiplier using carry tree to accumulate products with BRAM for modular reduction
- 3x performance over Karatsuba + Barret approach
* Addition and subtraction modules
- Fully parameterized so that they can be used for large bit-width arithmetic
* Extended Euclidean algorithm for calculating multiplicative inverses
Expand All @@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ It optionally contains the following top-level engines (you can include in a bui
- Verifies the equihash solution and difficulty filters
* Transparent Signature Verification Engine (secp256k1 ECDSA core)
- Uses efficient endomorphism to reduce key bit size
- Signature verification calculates multiple EC point operations in parallel, using a resource-shared single fully pipelined karabutsa multiplier and quick modulo reduction technique
- Signature verification calculates multiple EC point operations in parallel, using a resource-shared single fully pipelined karatsuba multiplier and quick modulo reduction technique
* BLS12-381 coprocessor (zk-SNARK accelerator)
- Custom instruction set with 2kB instruction memory
- 12kB Data slot URAM at curve native bit width of 381b
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/data/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@

import math

# This needs to be called before simulation / synthesis to make sure the
# reduction ram files and include files are created.
# Copyright (C) 2019 Benjamin Devlin and Zcash Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

# Generate the multiplier output to carry-save adder tree mapping

BITS = 381
MODULUS = 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab
A_DSP_W = 26
B_DSP_W = 17
RAM_A_W = 10


#8b3f481e3aaa0f1a09e30ed741d8ae4fcf5e095d5d00af600db18cb2c04b3edd03cc744a2888ae40caa232946c5e7e1 ^2 =



def get_accum_gen():
accum_s = '\n'
ram_s = '\n'
products = list()
# Make a list of all offsets where products start
for x in range(NUM_COL):
for y in range(NUM_ROW):
products.append((x, y, x*A_DSP_W+y*B_DSP_W))

# Now match these to coef
coef = list()
max_bits_l = list()
for i in range(MAX_COEF):
size = list()
# First do a pass just to check bit sizes - also need to account for offset
for j in products:
start = max(j[2], i*GRID_BIT)
end = min(j[2]+RES_W, (i+1)*GRID_BIT)
if (end > start):
# Max bits 1 + clog2() of the max size in our list
#max_bits = max(size) + math.ceil(math.log2(size.count(max(size))))
max_bits = max(size) + math.ceil(math.log2(len(size)))

coef_l = list()
for j in products:
# Check if we are in range
offset = (j[0]*A_DSP_W)+(j[1]*B_DSP_W)
start = max(j[2], i*GRID_BIT)
end = min(j[2]+RES_W, (i+1)*GRID_BIT)
if (end > start):
bitwidth = end-start
start_padding = max(start - i*GRID_BIT, 0)
end_padding = max(start+max_bits-end-start_padding, 0)
coef_l.append('{{{{{}{{1\'d0}}}},mul_grid[{}][{}][{}+:{}],{{{}{{1\'d0}}}}}}'.format(end_padding, j[0], j[1], start-offset, bitwidth, start_padding))


# Create compressor trees and output
for idx, i in enumerate(coef):
if (len(i) == 1):
accum_s +='''
// Coef {}
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) accum_grid_o[{}] <= {};
'''.format(idx, idx, i[0])
elif (len(i) == 2):
accum_s +='''
// Coef {}
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) accum_grid_o[{}] <= {};
'''.format(idx, idx, ' + '.join(i))
accum_s +='''
// Coef {}
logic [{}:0] accum_i_{} [{}];
logic [{}:0] accum_o_c_{}, accum_o_s_{};
compressor_tree_3_to_2 #(
ct_{} (
always_comb accum_i_{} = {{{}}};
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) accum_grid_o[{}] <= accum_o_c_{} + accum_o_s_{};
'''.format(idx, max_bits_l[idx]-1, idx, len(i), max_bits_l[idx]-1, idx, idx, len(i), max_bits_l[idx], idx, idx, idx, idx, idx, ','.join(i), idx, idx, idx)

# If the bits of this coef are above the modulus, we start generating lookup RAM
# and output of RAM goes into address trees together with other partial products

curr_bit = 0
curr_bit_cnt = 0
coef = 0
ram_bit_low = 0
ram_addr_bits = list()

curr_bit = MODULUS.bit_length() % GRID_BIT
coef = (MODULUS.bit_length()//GRID_BIT)
reduc_coef = coef
reduc_bit = curr_bit
ram_s += 'always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) begin\n'
mem_s = ''
#Reduce all bits after this
while(coef < MAX_COEF):
# Get max bits we can take from this coef
max_bits = min(max_bits_l[coef]-curr_bit, RAM_A_W-ram_bit_low)
ram_s += ' mod_ram_{}_a[{}+:{}] <= accum_grid_o[{}][{}+:{}];\n'.format(len(ram_addr_bits), ram_bit_low, max_bits, coef, curr_bit, max_bits)

if ((ram_bit_low + max_bits == RAM_A_W) or (coef == MAX_COEF - 1 and curr_bit + max_bits == max_bits_l[coef])):
if (ram_bit_low + max_bits != RAM_A_W):
ram_s += ' mod_ram_{}_a[{}+:{}] <= 0;\n'.format(len(ram_addr_bits), ram_bit_low+max_bits, RAM_A_W-(ram_bit_low+max_bits))

# Generate the init file lines - need to take into account earlier address bits
max_bits_value = max_bits + ram_bit_low
#print("max_bits {} ram_bit_low {}".format( max_bits, ram_bit_low))
for i in range(1 << max_bits_value):
# The value of a bit here will depend on the GRID and posisition of bit
# Assume (?) any bits not in this GRID are from previous
if (ram_bit_low != 0):
bit_l = i % (1 << ram_bit_low)
value_l = bit_l << ((max_bits_l[coef-1]-ram_bit_low)+(coef-1)*GRID_BIT)
value_l = 0
bit_h = (i >> ram_bit_low)
value_h = bit_h << (coef*GRID_BIT + curr_bit)
value = hex((value_l + value_h) % MODULUS)[2:]

mem_s += "{}\n".format(value.zfill(math.ceil(MODULUS.bit_length()/4)))

f = open('../data/mod_ram_{}.mem'.format(len(ram_addr_bits)), 'w')
mem_s = ''

ram_addr_bits.append(ram_bit_low + max_bits)
ram_bit_low = 0
ram_bit_low += max_bits

if (curr_bit + max_bits == max_bits_l[coef]):
coef += 1
curr_bit = 0
curr_bit += max_bits

ram_s += 'end\n'
# Add the RAMs
ram_s1 = ''
for idx, i in enumerate(ram_addr_bits):
uram_s = '(* ram_style="ultra" *)' if URAM_PERCENT > 100*idx/len(ram_addr_bits) else ''
init_s = 'initial $readmemh( "mod_ram_{}.mem", mod_ram_{}_ram);'.format(idx, idx) if USE_INIT else ''
ram_s1 += '''
logic [{}:0] mod_ram_{}_a;
(* DONT_TOUCH = "yes" *) logic [{}:0] mod_ram_{}_q;
logic [{}:0] mod_ram_{}_d;
{}logic [{}:0] mod_ram_{}_ram [{}];
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) begin
mod_ram_{}_q <= mod_ram_{}_ram[mod_ram_{}_a];
'''.format(RAM_A_W-1, idx, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, idx, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, idx, uram_s, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, idx, 1 << RAM_A_W, idx, idx, idx, init_s)

# We now generate the tree adders to sum the reduction values with the accum_grid_o values
accum2_s = '\n'
for coef in range(math.ceil(MODULUS.bit_length()/GRID_BIT)):
# Make sure we have the right bit widths
if (coef == reduc_coef):
ram_bits = min(GRID_BIT, reduc_bit)
ram_bits = GRID_BIT
padding = max_bits_l[coef] - ram_bits
#if (padding == 0):
max_bits_l[coef] += math.ceil(math.log2(len(ram_addr_bits)))
padding = max_bits_l[coef] - ram_bits
in_s = ['{{{{{}{{1\'d0}}}}, mod_ram_{}_q[{}+:{}]}}'.format(padding, i, coef*GRID_BIT, ram_bits) for i in range(len(ram_addr_bits))]
# Need to check if we also had reduction in this range
end = max_bits_l[coef]-1
padding = 0
if (reduc_coef == coef):
padding = end - reduc_bit
end = reduc_bit-1
in_s.append('{{{{{}{{1\'d0}}}}, accum_grid_o_rr[{}][{}:0]}}'.format(padding, coef, end))
accum2_s +='''
// Coef {} accum 2 stage
logic [{}:0] accum2_i_{} [{}];
logic [{}:0] accum2_o_c_{}, accum2_o_s_{};
compressor_tree_3_to_2 #(
ct2_{} (
always_comb accum2_i_{} = {{{}}};
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) accum2_grid_o[{}] <= accum2_o_c_{} + accum2_o_s_{};
'''.format(coef, max_bits_l[coef]-1, coef, len(ram_addr_bits)+1, max_bits_l[coef]-1, coef, coef, len(ram_addr_bits)+1, max_bits_l[coef], coef, coef, coef, coef, coef, ','.join(in_s), coef, coef, coef)

ram_s = ram_s1 + ram_s

# We also need to do a final level reduction
accum3_s = '''
logic [{}:0] mod_ram2_0_a;
logic [{}:0] mod_ram2_0_q;
always_comb begin
mod_ram2_0_a = res0_r[{}+:{}];
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) if (o_mul.rdy) begin
mod_ram2_0_q <= mod_ram_0_ram[mod_ram2_0_a];
always_comb begin
res1_c = res0_rr[{}:0] + mod_ram2_0_q;
res1_m_c = res0_rr[{}:0] + mod_ram2_0_q - MODULUS;
res1_m_c_ = res0_rr[{}:0] + mod_ram2_0_q - 2*MODULUS;
'''.format(RAM_A_W-1, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, MODULUS.bit_length(), RAM_A_W, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, MODULUS.bit_length()-1)

# We also generate the arrays since we know the max sizes
logic_s = '''
logic [{}:0] accum_grid_o [{}];
logic [{}:0] accum_grid_o_r [{}];
logic [{}:0] accum_grid_o_rr [{}];
logic [{}:0] accum2_grid_o [{}];
'''.format(max(max_bits_l)-1, MAX_COEF, max(max_bits_l)-1, MAX_COEF//2, max(max_bits_l)-1, MAX_COEF//2, max(max_bits_l)-1, MAX_COEF//2)

# Add logic for writing to memory
# Make long scan chain, width of RAM_D_W
ram_write_s = '''
localparam int RAM_PIPE = 4;
logic [RAM_PIPE:0][RAM_A_W-1:0] addr;
logic [RAM_PIPE:0][RAM_D_W-1:0] ram_d;
logic [RAM_PIPE:0] ram_we;
logic [RAM_PIPE:0] ram_se;
always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_rst) begin
addr <= 0;
ram_we <= 0;
ram_se <= 0;
ram_d <= 0;
end else begin
ram_we <= {ram_we, i_ram_we};
ram_d <= {ram_d, i_ram_d};
ram_se <= {ram_se, i_ram_se};
if (ram_we[RAM_PIPE]) begin
addr <= addr + 1;'''
for idx, i in enumerate(ram_addr_bits):
ram_write_s+= '''
mod_ram_{}_ram[addr] <= mod_ram_{}_d;'''.format(idx, idx)
ram_write_s += '''
ram_write_s += '''
if (ram_se[RAM_PIPE]) begin'''
for idx, i in enumerate(ram_addr_bits):
previous_ram = "ram_d[RAM_PIPE]" if idx == 0 else "mod_ram_{}_d[{}:({}%RAM_D_W)]".format(idx-1, MODULUS.bit_length()-1, MODULUS.bit_length())
ram_write_s += '''
mod_ram_{}_d <= {{mod_ram_{}_d, {}}};'''.format(idx, idx, previous_ram)

ram_write_s += '''
return logic_s + accum_s + ram_s + accum2_s + accum3_s + ram_write_s

f = open('../src/rtl/', 'w')

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/src/rtl/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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