Bump casks on schedule or request #3676
3 errors
Bump casks
These pull requests are duplicates:
brave-browser@nightly https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/pull/196852
Duplicate PRs must not be opened.
Manually open these PRs if you are sure that they are not duplicates (and tell us that in the PR).
Bump casks
Download failed on Cask 'keepassxc@snapshot' with message: Download failed: https://snapshot.keepassxc.org/build-257555/KeePassXC-2.8.0-snapshot.dmg
Bump casks
inreplace failed
expected replacement of /version\s+["']0\.9\.0,1452,7bcd0214c2d1["']/m with "version \"0.9.0,1460,6c87a74e30f7\""