Nagios plugin for APC UPS software apcupsd to query for status and chart performance graphs with near instant updates (with some tweeks of Nagios settings).
- is used to check a APC UPS using the apcaccess client utility.
- At startup multiple apcupsd instances, if config present, to monitor multiple UPS hardware devices on a single host using apcupsd-multi systemd init script
- NRPD for passive check to notify of power loss or gain based on the apcups configuration
- NRPE for active checks at regular intervals under 'normal' conditions and other types of checks
For fast response at the expense of a higher Nagios server load when using passive checks
Other settings such as refresh rates under 'Performance' in Nagios, can futher provide instant visual indication in Nagios XI of power fluxuations and the status of the battery backup.
Used for montioring American Power Conversion APC UPS using apcupsd (3.14.12) on RaspberryPi 2B+ for a fun project. I did this because I like Pi, Nagios, flashing lights, servers, and colorful interactive charts :-)
Power consumption, watts, is calculated because the UPS that I had to develop with didn't report that value but was extracted dividing load %
and the maximum load NOMPOWER
If specifying the -T or -t for time based alerts you must define them both. When using time based thresholds performance data will be charted in minutes.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Generic options:
-d, --debug enable debugging outputs
-H HOST, --host=HOST
host of appcupsd
-X LINE_LEVEL, --line-level=LINE_LEVEL
Volts of power outlet to detect no power if less than
the line level
Monitoring options:
-P, --enable-perfdata
enables performance data (default: no)
Threshold options:
-w VOLTS, --battv-warning=VOLTS
Defines battery voltage warning threshold (default:
-W VOLTS, --battv-critical=VOLTS
Defines battery voltage critical threshold (default:
-l PERCENT, --load-warning=PERCENT
Defines load warning threshold in percent (default:
-L PERCENT, --load-critical=PERCENT
Defines load critical threshold in percent (default:
-b PERCENT, --battery-warning=PERCENT
Defines battery load warning threshold in percent
(default: 30%)
-B PERCENT, --battery-critical=PERCENT
Defines battery load critical threshold in percent
(default: 15%)
-t TIME, --time-warning=TIME
Defines battery time left warning threshold in minutes
(default: empty). If defined you must also define
-T TIME, --time-critical=TIME
Defines battery time left critical threshold in
minutes (default: empty). If defined you must also
define time-warning
-u WATTS, --consumption-warning=WATTS
Defines power consumption warning threshold in watts
(default: empty)
-U WATTS, --consumption-critical=WATTS
Defines power consumption critical threshold in watts
(default: empty)