A library written in PHP to interact with Coinbase Pro via API.
The latest version can be installed via Composer, therefore you will need to install Composer if you do not have it installed already.
Next, require the library with:
composer require blakedhamilton/coinbase-pro
First you'll need to obtain an instance of the base Coinbase class by providing your API credentials.
Your API credentials can be obtained at:
- Production: https://pro.coinbase.com/profile/api
- Sandbox: https://public.sandbox.pro.coinbase.com/profile/api
Once you have your API credentials, obtain an instance of the Coinbase class with:
use Coinbase\Coinbase;
// Your API key, secret, and passphrase.
$key = 'API_KEY';
$secret = 'API_SECRET';
$passphrase = 'API_PASSPHRASE';
// Sandbox mode indicates whether you want to
// make API calls against Coinbase's production
// or sandbox servers for development.
$sandbox = true;
// Create an instance of the Coinbase base class.
$coinbase = Coinbase::create($key, $secret, $passphrase, $sandbox);
// Get a list of trading accounts from the profile of the API key.
$accounts = $coinbase->accounts->list();
// Get a single trading account.
$account = $coinbase->accounts->get('account_id');
// Get trading account history.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#get-account-history
$history = $coinbase->accounts->getHistory('account_id');
$history = $coinbase->accounts->getHistory('account_id', $options = []);
// Get trading account holds.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#get-holds
$holds = $coinbase->accounts->getHolds('account_id');
$holds = $coinbase->accounts->getHolds('account_id', $options = []);
// Get a list of orders.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#list-orders
$orders = $coinbase->orders->list();
$orders = $coinbase->orders->list($options = []);
// Get a single order.
$order = $coinbase->orders->get('order_id');
// Place a new order.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#place-a-new-order
$order = $coinbase->orders->place($options = []);
// Cancel an order.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#cancel-an-order
$result = $coinbase->orders->delete('order_id');
$result = $coinbase->orders->delete('order_id', $options = []);
// Cancel all orders.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#cancel-all
$result = $coinbase->orders->deleteAll();
// Get a list of recent fills of the API key's profile.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#list-fills
$fills = $coinbase->fills->list();
$fills = $coinbase->fills->list($options = []);
// Get current exchange limits.
$limits = $coinbase->limits->get();
// Get a list of deposits from the profile of the API key.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#list-deposits
$deposits = $coinbase->deposits->list();
$deposits = $coinbase->deposits->list($options = []);
// Get information on a single deposit.
$deposit = $coinbase->deposits->get('deposit_id');
// Deposit funds from a payment method.
// Available options can be found at:
// - https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#payment-method
// - https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#coinbase
$deposit = $coinbase->deposits->create($options = []);
// Generate an address for crypto deposits.
$address = $coinbase->deposits->createCryptoDepositAddress('coinbase_account_id');
// Get a list of withdrawals from the profile of the API key.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#list-withdrawals
$withdrawals = $coinbase->withdrawals->list();
$withdrawals = $coinbase->withdrawals->list($options = []);
// Get information on a single withdrawal.
$withdrawal = $coinbase->withdrawals->get('withdrawal_id');
// Withdraw funds to a payment method.
// Available options can be found at:
// - https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#payment-method55
// - https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#coinbase56
// - https://docs.pro.coinbase.com/#crypto
$withdrawal = $coinbase->withdrawals->create($options = []);
// Gets the network fee estimate when sending to the given address.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#fee-estimate
$estimate = $coinbase->withdrawals->getFeeEstimate($options);
// Create a conversion.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#stablecoin-conversions
$conversion = $coinbase->stablecoinConversions->create($options = []);
// Get a list of payment methods.
$paymentMethods = $coinbase->paymentMethods->get();
// Get a list of your Coinbase accounts.
$coinbaseAccounts = $coinbase->coinbaseAccounts->get();
// Get your current maker & taker fee rates, as well as your 30-day trailing volume.
$fees = $coinbase->fees->get();
// Get all reports for a profile.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#get-report-status
$reports = $coinbase->reports->list();
$reports = $coinbase->reports->list($options = []);
// Get a report's status.
$status = $coinbase->reports->get('report_id');
// Create a new report.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#create-a-new-report
$report = $coinbase->reports->create($options = []);
// Get a List of your profiles.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#list-profiles
$profiles = $coinbase->profiles->list();
$profiles = $coinbase->profiles->list($options = []);
// Get a single profile.
$profile = $coinbase->profiles->get('profile_id');
// Transfer funds from API key's profile to another user owned profile.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#create-profile-transfer
$result = $coinbase->profiles->create($options = []);
// Get cryptographically signed prices ready to be posted on-chain using Open Oracle smart contracts.
$result = $coinbase->oracle->get();
// List all products.
$products = $coinbase->marketData->products->get();
// Get a single product.
$product = $coinbase->marketData->products->get('product_id');
// Get product order book data.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com#get-product-order-book
$orderBook = $coinbase->marketData->products->getOrderBook('product_id');
$orderBook = $coinbase->marketData->products->getOrderBook('product_id', $options = []);
// Get product ticker data.
$ticker = $coinbase->marketData->products->getTicker('product_id');
// List the latest trades of a product.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com/#get-trades
$orderBook = $coinbase->marketData->products->getTrades('product_id');
$orderBook = $coinbase->marketData->products->getTrades('product_id', $options = []);
// Get historic rates of a product.
// Available options can be found at: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com/#get-historic-rates
$historicRates = $coinbase->marketData->products->getHistoricRates('product_id');
$historicRates = $coinbase->marketData->products->getHistoricRates('product_id', $options = []);
// Get 24 hr stats of a product.
$stats = $coinbase->marketData->products->getDailyStats('product_id');
// List known currencies.
$currencies = $coinbase->marketData->currencies->get();
// Get a single currency.
$currency = $coinbase->marketData->currencies->get('currency_id');
// Get the API server time.
$time = $coinbase->marketData->time->get();