A lightweight experimental HTTP handler inspired by flask.
! This is just a experimental (fun) project, please don't use it in production !
Ksalf is a lightweight handler for the python (base) http server .
It provides new feature like URL parsing and HTML responses, to the python in-build http server.
Ksalf currently only supports GET requests.
The project was inspired by the flask python project.
pip install ksalf
from http.server import HTTPServer
from ksalf import HTTPHandler
class Handler(HTTPHandler):
def GET(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
PORT = 8080
httpd = HTTPServer(('', PORT), Handler)
print("Server running on http://localhost:" + str(PORT))
This example would serve a simple web app on your localhost:8080.
You can register a route with @HTTPHandler.route("/<your_route>").
GET requests always get processed by the def GET(self):
curl localhost:8080/health
- Implement tests
- Support other request methods than just GET
- Advanced URL parsing
- Enhance HTML Responses