Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, TSforge, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
Password protect a static HTML page, decrypted in-browser in JS with no dependency. No server logic needed.
“连续八年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。本书拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
A Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template and Pratt Landing Page with Bootstrap 3.0
Message queue system written in PHP based on workerman and backed by Redis.
A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator for Laravel
Orchid is a @laravel package that allows for rapid application development of back-office applications, admin/user panels, and dashboards.
[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the SocialiteProviders/Telegram Provider (see SocialiteProviders/Providers)
Socialite is an OAuth2 Authentication tool. It is inspired by laravel/socialite, you can easily use it without Laravel.
An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols.
Probably the fastest PHP web framework in the world.
🚌 The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, support customized dictionary.
📝 A dev tool to log all queries for laravel application.
Tencent Cloud COS storage for Laravel based on overtrue/flysystem-cos.
The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models | o3 and deepseek r1, gpt-4.5
🚲 STConvert is analyzer that convert chinese characters between traditional and simplified.中文简繁體互相转换.
Determine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses.
Official PHP client for Elasticsearch.
An easy way to use the official Elastic Search client in your Laravel applications.
MeowSQL is an attempt to port HeidiSQL to C++/Qt (Linux/Windows)
Laravel Breadcrumbs - A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs.
Native port of Redis for Windows. Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Se…
Generating a helper file for IDEs to support Laravel's macros, as a supplementary to barryvdh's Laravel Ide Helper.
Docker image to run an IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2