My name is Gabriel Grubba. I do love making and talking about tech stuff.
Focusing on building products for the web.
I have some contributions to the JavaScript ecosystem. Also, I have done some talks that are on YouTube below:
- Angular SP #43 - Introduction on RxJS => Slides
- Angular SP #49 - Introduction on Angular Routes & a little bit on RxJS => Slides
- Hoster on SibsDay
- Workshop: CHARM stack
- Making your own tRPC Library -> Slides
- Resolvendo problemas de um ponto de vista filosófico => ONG Todas as Letras
- Fazendo seus tipos fazerem cálculos
- Github Brasil em Julho
- This week in MeteorJS 8th of September => link
- This week in MeteorJS 20th of October => link
- This week in MeteorJS 22th of December => link