Go javascript engine-o.
go run main.go
Use environment variables to configure the engine.
- Set file path to use it as input (default=input_program.js
- Set totrue
to enable verbose logging.GOJO_MEGA_VERBOSE
- Set totrue
to enable EVEN MORE logging.GOJO_REPL_MODE
- Set totrue
to enable REPL mode.
To run lexer, parser and interpreter tests:
go test ./...
Yo! This is a for fun project and not intended to ever be finished. o7
The goal is to have a resonably fast and correct javascript engine for the core features of the language only.
Checkout the TODO.md.
For the code var x = 1 + 1;
- Lexer (FSM): Produces a stream of tokens
var, x, =, 1, +, 1, ;
- Parser (Recursive Descent): Produces an AST
Program -> Statements[] -> VariableDeclaration(x = BinaryExpression(1 + 1))
- Interpreter (Go Runtime): Process the AST and stores the value in the environment
x = 2
- ECMAScript spec - https://tc39.es/ecma262/
- JSConf rust JS engine talk - https://youtu.be/_uD2pijcSi4
- Writing a tokenizer (not great performance wise but a start) - https://dev.to/ndesmic/writing-a-tokenizer-1j85
- General simple lexer - https://codemaster138.github.io/blog/creating-an-interpreter-part-1-lexer/
- Writing an interpreter in go - https://edu.anarcho-copy.org/Programming%20Languages/Go/writing%20an%20INTERPRETER%20in%20go.pdf
- Acorn js js parser - https://github.com/acornjs/acorn
- Standard compliant parser - https://github.com/jquery/esprima
- AST Explore - https://astexplorer.net/
- Recursive Descent Parsing: https://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/nelson/courses/csc_173/grammars/parsing.html#:~:text=Recursive-descent%20parsing%20is%20one,non-terminal%20with%20a%20procedure
- Goja: https://github.com/dop251/goja (great minds think alike)