A typescript library to deserialize json into typescript classes and serialize classes into json.
npm install typescript-json-serializer --save
# or
yarn add typescript-json-serializer
You also need to set experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata to true into the tsconfig.json file.
For example:
"compilerOptions": {
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
import { JsonSerializer, throwError } from 'typescript-json-serializer';
import { json } from '../json/data';
import { Organization } from '../models/organization';
// Instantiate a default serializer
const defaultSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
// Or you can instantiate a serializer with your custom options
const customSerializer = new JsonSerializer({
// Throw errors instead of logging
errorCallback: throwError,
// Allow all nullish values
nullishPolicy: {
undefined: 'allow',
null: 'allow'
// Disallow additional properties (non JsonProperty)
additionalPropertiesPolicy: 'disallow',
// e.g. if all the properties in the json object are prefixed by '_'
formatPropertyName: (propertyName: string) => `_${propertyName}`,
// Deserialize
const organization = defaultSerializer.deserialize(json, Organization);
// Serialize
const data = defaultSerializer.serialize(organization);
// Import decorators from library
import { JsonObject, JsonProperty } from 'typescript-json-serializer';
// Enums
export enum Gender {
export enum Status {
Alive = 'Alive',
Sick = 'Sick',
DeadAndAlive = 'Dead and alive',
Dead = 'Dead'
// Create a JsonObject class: LivingBeing
// JsonObject decorator
export class LivingBeing {
/** The living being id (PK) */
@JsonProperty() id: number;
// Create a JsonObject class that extends LivingBeing: Human
export class Human extends LivingBeing {
// This comment works
// Override LivingBeing id property name
// and set required to true
@JsonProperty({name: 'humanId', required: true})
public id: number,
@JsonProperty() public name: string,
@JsonProperty() public gender: Gender,
/** This comment works */
@JsonProperty() public readonly birthDate: Date
) {
this.id = id;
// Create a JsonObject class: PhoneNumber
export class PhoneNumber {
@JsonProperty() countryCode: string;
@JsonProperty() value: string;
// Create a JsonObject class that extends Human: Employee
export class Employee extends Human {
/** The employee's email */
@JsonProperty({required: true}) email: string;
/** Predicate function to determine if the property type
* is PhoneNumber or a primitive type */
type: property => {
if (property && property.value !== undefined) {
return PhoneNumber;
phoneNumber: PhoneNumber | string;
public name: string,
// Override human id property name
// (keep the require to true from Human id)
@JsonProperty('employeeId') public id: number,
public gender: Gender,
public birthDate: Date
) {
super(name, id, gender, birthDate);
// Create a JsonObject class that extends LivingBeing: Animal
export class Animal extends LivingBeing {
@JsonProperty() name: string | undefined;
@JsonProperty() birthDate: Date;
@JsonProperty() numberOfPaws: number;
@JsonProperty() gender: Gender;
// Enum value (string)
@JsonProperty() status: Status;
// Specify the property name of json property if needed
childrenIds: Array<number>;
constructor(name: string | undefined) {
this.name = name;
// Create a JsonObject class that extends Animal (which extends LivingBeing): Panther
export class Panther extends Animal {
@JsonProperty() color: string;
// JsonProperty directly inside the constructor
// for property parameters
public constructor(
name: string | undefined,
@JsonProperty() public isSpeckled: boolean
) {
// Create a JsonObject class that extends Animal (which extends LivingBeing): Snake
// When the library instatiates a class during deserilization it does not know the constructor params value
// so you need to specify them.
// To ways are available
// - by passing default value to those params in the constructor
// - by passing the `constructorParams` options to `JsonObject` (see below); it allows to keep clean constructor
@JsonObject({ constructorParams: [{}] })
export class Snake extends Animal {
@JsonProperty() isPoisonous: boolean;
public constructor(args: { name: string | undefined; isPoisonous: boolean }) {
this.isPoisonous = args.isPoisonous;
// Create a JsonObject empty class that extends Animal (which extends LivingBeing): UnknownAnimal
export class UnknownAnimal extends Animal {
public constructor(name: string) {
// Create a JsonObject class: Zoo
// Function to transform coordinates into an array
const coordinatesToArray = (coordinates: {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
}): Array<number> => {
return Object.values(coordinates);
// Function to transform an array into coordinates
const arrayToCoordinates = (array: Array<number>): {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number
} => {
return {
x: array[0],
y: array[1],
z: array[2]
// A predicate function use to determine what is the
// right type of the data (Snake or Panther)
const snakeOrPanther = animal => {
return animal && animal['isPoisonous'] !== undefined
? Snake
: Panther;
export class Zoo {
// Here you do not need to specify the type
// inside the decorator
@JsonProperty() boss: Employee;
@JsonProperty() city: string;
@JsonProperty() country: string;
// Property with transform functions executed respectively
// on serialize and on deserialize
beforeDeserialize: arrayToCoordinates,
afterSerialize: coordinatesToArray
coordinates: { x: number; y: number; z: number };
// Possibly undefined Set of none-basic type elements
@JsonProperty({ type: Employee, dataStructure: 'set' })
employees: Set<Employee> | undefined;
@JsonProperty() id: number;
@JsonProperty() name: string;
// Array of none-basic type elements where you need to
// specify the name of the json property
// and use the predicate function to cast the deserialized
// object into the correct child class
@JsonProperty({ name: 'Animals', type: snakeOrPanther })
animals: Array<Animal>;
// Property that can be Panther or Snake type
// Use again the predicate function
@JsonProperty({ type: snakeOrPanther })
mascot: Panther | Snake;
// Dictionary of empty child classes
@JsonProperty({ dataStructure: 'dictionary', type: UnknownAnimal })
unknownAnimals: { [id: string]: UnknownAnimal };
// Map of array of PhoneNumber or string
type: property => {
if (property?.value !== undefined) {
return PhoneNumber;
phoneBook: Map<string, Array<PhoneNumber | string>>;
// Property which will be not serialized and deserialized
// but event accessible and editable from Zoo class.
public isFree: boolean = true;
public constructor() { }
// Create a JsonObject generic class: Value
export class Value<R> {
@JsonProperty() value: R;
constructor(value: R) {
this.value = value;
// Create a JsonObject class: Item
export class Item {
@JsonProperty({ name: 'name' })
private readonly _name: string;
@JsonProperty({ name: 'version' })
private readonly _version: number;
constructor(name: string, version: number) {
this._name = name;
this._version = version;
// Create a JsonObject class that extends Society: Organization
export class Organization extends Society {
@JsonProperty({ type: Zoo }) zoos: Array<Zoo>;
@JsonProperty({ dataStructure: 'dictionary' })
zoosName: { [id: string]: string };
// To merge multiple properties in a single one
// use the property `names`.
// If you don't create your own merge with the `beforeDeserialize`
// and `afterSerialize` function, it will just merge properties
// in this one when using `deserialize` and split back
// when using `serialize`
name: [
type: Human,
beforeDeserialize: value => Object.values(value),
afterSerialize: value => {
return {
mainShareholder: value[0],
secondaryShareholder: value[1],
thirdShareholder: value[2]
shareholders: Array<Human>;
miscellaneous: Value<Item>;
// Create a JsonObject class: Society
export class Society {
// Here note the `required` option with the default value `'4'`
// it will not throw because the default value will be set instead of `undefined`
@JsonProperty({ required: true }) id: string = '4';
@JsonProperty() name: string;
// data.ts
export const data: any = {
name: 'Zoos Organization',
zoosName: {
'15': 'The Greatest Zoo',
'16': 'Zoo Zoo'
zoos: [
id: 15,
name: 'The Greatest Zoo',
city: 'Bordeaux',
coordinates: [1, 2, 3],
country: 'France',
boss: {
employeeId: 1,
name: 'Bob Razowsky',
birthDate: '1984-04-03T22:00:00.000Z',
email: '[email protected]',
gender: 1,
phoneNumber: '111-111-1111'
employees: [
employeeId: 1,
name: 'Bob Razowsky',
birthDate: '1984-04-03T22:00:00.000Z',
email: '[email protected]',
gender: 1,
phoneNumber: '111-111-1111'
employeeId: 2,
name: 'Mikasa Ackerman',
birthDate: '1984-01-11T22:00:00.000Z',
email: '[email protected]',
gender: 0,
phoneNumber: '222-222-2222'
employeeId: 3,
name: 'Red Redington',
birthDate: '1970-12-04T22:00:00.000Z',
email: '[email protected]',
gender: 1,
phoneNumber: '333-333-3333'
employeeId: 4,
name: 'Fried Richter',
birthDate: '1994-04-01T22:00:00.000Z',
email: '[email protected]',
gender: 1
Animals: [
id: 1,
name: 'Bagheera',
birthDate: '2010-01-11T22:00:00.000Z',
numberOfPaws: 4,
gender: 1,
childrenIdentifiers: [2, 3],
color: 'black',
isSpeckled: false,
status: 'Sick'
id: 2,
birthDate: '2017-03-10T22:00:00.000Z',
numberOfPaws: 4,
gender: 0,
color: 'blond',
isSpeckled: true,
status: 'Alive'
id: 3,
name: 'Ka',
birthDate: '2018-09-09T00:00:00.000Z',
numberOfPaws: 0,
gender: 1,
isPoisonous: true
id: 4,
name: 'Schrodinger',
numberOfPaws: 4,
gender: 1,
color: 'brown',
isSpeckled: false,
status: 'Dead and alive'
mascot: {
id: 1,
name: 'Bagheera',
birthDate: '2010-01-11T22:00:00.000Z',
numberOfPaws: 4,
gender: 1,
childrenIdentifiers: [2, 3],
color: 'black',
isSpeckled: false,
status: 'Sick'
unknownAnimals: {
'1': {
name: null
phoneBook: {
'1': [
{ value: '111-111-1111' },
{ value: '444-444-4444' }
'2': [{ value: '222-222-2222' }],
'3': ['333-333-3333']
id: 16,
name: 'Zoo Zoo',
city: 'Paris',
coordinates: [4, 2, 3],
country: 'France',
boss: {
employeeId: 2,
name: 'Sully',
birthDate: '1984-08-03T22:00:00.000Z',
email: '[email protected]',
gender: 1,
phoneNumber: {
countryCode: '33',
value: '0111111111'
employees: [],
Animals: [],
mascot: null,
unknownAnimals: {}
mainShareholder: {
humanId: 100,
name: 'Elon Musk',
birthDate: '1971-06-28T22:00:00.000Z',
gender: 1
secondaryShareholder: null,
miscellaneous: {
value: {
name: 'Item A',
version: 1
Used to make a class serializable.
Type: JsonObjectOptions
Optional: true
Description: The option to customize the serialization/deserialization of the target class.
class MyClass {}
Used to make a class property serializable, property will be ignored if not set.
Type: string
| JsonPropertyOptions
Optional: true
Description: The option to customize the serialization/deserialization of the target property.
@JsonProperty(options) myProperty: string;
constructor(options?: Partial<JsonSerializerOptions>) {}
Type: Partial<JsonSerializerOptions>
Optional: true
Description: The options to customize the serializer.
Type: Partial<JsonSerializerOptions>
Optional: false
Description: The options to customize the serializer.
Default value:
errorCallback: logError,
nullishPolicy: {
undefined: 'remove',
null: 'allow'
additionalPropertiesPolicy: 'remove'
To use when you don't know if the value to deserialize is an object or an array.
deserialize<T extends object>(
value: string | object | Array<object>,
type: Type<T> | T
): T | Array<T|Nullish> | Nullish
Type: string
| object
| Array<object>
Optional: false
Description: The value to deserialize.
Type: Type<T>
| T
Optional: false
Description: The constructor class to deserialize into.
or Array<T|Nullish>
or Nullish
To use when the value to deserialize is an object.
deserializeObject<T extends object>(
obj: string | object,
type: Type<T> | T
): T | Nullish
Type: string
| object
Optional: false
Description: The object to deserialize.
Type: Type<T>
| T
Optional: false
Description: The constructor class to deserialize into.
or Nullish
To use when the value to deserialize is an array.
deserializeObjectArray<T extends object>(
array: string | Array<any>,
type: Type<T> | T
): Array<T|Nullish> | Nullish
Type: string
| Array<any>
Optional: false
Description: The object to deserialize.
Type: Type<T>
| T
Optional: false
Description: The constructor class to deserialize into.
To use when you don't know if the value to serialize is an object or an array
serialize(value: object | Array<object>): object | Array<object|Nullish> | Nullish
Type: object
| Array<object>
Optional: false
Description: The object or the array of objects to serialize.
or Array<object|Nullish>
or Nullish
To use when the value to serialize is an object.
serializeObject(instance: object): object | Nullish
Type: object
Optional: false
Description: The object to serialize.
or Nullish
To use when the value to serialize is an array of objects.
serializeObjectArray(array: Array<object>): Array<object|Nullish> | Nullish
Type: Array<object>
Optional: false
Description: The array of objects to serialize.
or Nullish
constructorParams?: Array<unknown>;
name?: string | Array<string>;
type?: Function | PredicateProto;
dataStructure?: DataStructure;
required?: boolean;
beforeSerialize?: IOProto;
afterSerialize?: IOProto;
beforeDeserialize?: IOProto;
afterDeserialize?: IOProto;
errorCallback?: ErrorCallback = logError;
nullishPolicy: NullishPolicy = {
undefined: 'remove',
null: 'allow'
additionalPropertiesPolicy: Policy = 'remove';
formatPropertyName?: FormatPropertyNameProto;
undefined: Policy;
null: Policy;
'array' | 'dictionary' | 'map' | 'set'
null | undefined
'allow' | 'disallow' | 'remove'
(message: string) => void
The library provide two built-in methods:
that logs the error.throwError
that throws the error.
(propertyName: string) => string;
(property: any, currentInstance?: any) => any
(property: any, parentProperty?: any) => any
new (...args: Array<any>) => T;
Note: represent a constructor
- NodeJS: https://nodejs.org
- Yarn: https://yarnpkg.com
yarn build
yarn lint
yarn test
Gillian Pérard - @GillianPerard
- Hyeonsoo David Lee - @civilizeddev