An attempt to port xv6-riscv to the MilkV mars SBC. As MilkV mars is based on JH7110, xv6-mars may be runnable on VisionFive2 or Star64 SBCs.
This project is still under development.
Feature | MilkV Mars specific |
SBI timers | No |
SBI HSM (start) | No |
RamDisk | No |
UART | Yes (config differs) |
Buddy Allocator | No |
Multilevel Queue Scheduling | No |
CPU Temperature Sensor | Yes |
You need to configure the kernel to run on the Mars board. Edit
To get xv6 starting on the board, you need to load manually everything. compile the kernel and ramdisk image
make fs.img
Connect to UART to get output:
Pin | GPIO |
GND | 6 |
Tx | 8 |
Rx | 10 |
Copy kernel
and fs.img
to the mars SD card and then boot the mars.
Then once U-Boot prompt appears:
load mmc 1 ${loadaddr} kernel
load mmc 1 0x49000000 fs.img
bootelf ${loadaddr}
You can setup a DHCP and TFTP server and connect the Mars in the LAN. Then setup U-Boot:
setenv bootcmd='dhcp; tftpboot ${loadaddr} kernel; tftpboot 0x49000000 fs.img; bootelf ${loadaddr};'
You can debug the kernel with GDB via OpenOCD on a JTAG port I found on the board.
JTAG Port | Mars GPIO Pin |
TMS | 35 |
TRSTN | 36 |
TCK | 37 |
TDI | 38 |
TDO | 40 |
Load kernel.sym
in GDB to get sources