获取商店应用 1.3.303.0
获取商店应用 1.3.303.0
1.更新了托盘图标的右键菜单外观,使其更符合Windows 11 样式(感谢毛利提供的Mile.Xaml 轻量化Xaml islands实现方案)
Update contents
- Updated the right-click menu appearance of the tray icon to make it more in line with Windows 11 style (thanks to the Mile.Xaml lightweight Xaml islands implementation provided by Māori)
- The downloaded file is now ready to share
- Upgrade Windows App SDK version 1.2.4
- Fixed the bug that when the application is hidden to the tray icon, the application cannot actively respond to the operation issued by the user in time
- Fixed the bug that when the app theme is set to follow the system settings, the app crashes when the system theme changes
1.Arm64平台目前仅编译通过, 但未在实体机上测试,所以可能会出现一些意料之外的情况。
Possible issues with this release
1.The Arm64 platform is currently only compiled, but not tested on a physical machine, so some unexpected situations may occur.
2.由于使用了Mile.Xaml(Xaml islands),此轻量化Xaml islands所需最低的系统版本为19041,故应用的最低版本要求从17763提升为19041。
1.This version will still provide two files. One is the msixbundle installation package, which can be quickly installed directly using the application installer, and the other compressed package is a complete installation package containing dependent framework libraries, which needs to be unzipped after the download is completed, and the install.ps1 file can be quickly installed by running the install.ps1 file using PowerShell.
2. Due to the use of Mile.Xaml (Xaml islands), the minimum system version required to use this lightweight Xaml islands is 19041, so the minimum version requirement for this application has been increased from 17763 to 19041.