web-dev-daily-knowledge Public
Creating the habit of learning something every day. Web Development.
UpdatedAug 3, 2023 -
Trocadilhos-SD Public
Trabalho para a disciplina de Sistemas distribuídos.
ignite-nodejs-02-api-rest-nodejs Public
Forked from rocketseat-education/ignite-nodejs-02-api-rest-nodejsProjeto desenvolvido no módulo sobre API REST da formação de Node.js
TypeScript UpdatedMay 5, 2023 -
Next-Padroes-de-Renderizacao Public
Projeto simples para exemplificar os padrões de renderização disponíveis no Next 12.2
frontend-ts-jest-clean-minimal Public template
Minimal FrontEnd Template with typescript, jest, domain, data and infra layers of clean architecture.
Dsgn-Patterns-React Public
Some Design Patterns implemented with React.
Template-CRAT Public
Create React App with Typescript and eslint/prettier configuration =)
Rocket-Shoes Public
Minha implementação do projeto RocketShoes do bootcamp da RocketSeat 🚀
git-Issues Public
Project to training pagination and filters on ReactJS using the github API.
Git-Tinder Public
Git Tinder is a project based on tindev project from RocketSeat Omnistack but with some features of PWAs 💥
WebStudies Public
💾 Studies about HTML5, CSS3, PWA, Ecmascript, NodeJS, Python, Design Patterns and more is coming.
Simulador-MS Public
📚 Simulation Project of Queue MM1 - Queuing Theory
FZ-To-Do Public
📋 A simple PWA project to trainning User Experience
oldBlog Public
🔨🔥 This is my old personal blog, the new is in this link ==>
30-seconds-blog Public
Forked from Chalarangelo/30-seconds-blogCode articles for all your development needs
node-d3-csv Public
Just simple utility to read and parse csv with node.
33-js-concepts Public
Forked from leonardomso/33-js-concepts📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
image-component-next Public
Projeto que traduz o exemplo oficial do componente Image do Next.js