- This is a modified branch of pytorchic-bert.
- CRATE (Coding RAte reduction TransformEr) is a interpretable transformer architecture. This repo make use of CRATE as the base model of BERT. The code of CRATE in this branch is a modified version of CRATE
This is re-implementation of Google BERT model [paper] in Pytorch. I was strongly inspired by Hugging Face's code and I referred a lot to their codes, but I tried to make my codes more pythonic and pytorchic style. Actually, the number of lines is less than a half of HF's.
(It is still not so heavily tested - let me know when you find some bugs.)
Python > 3.6, fire, tqdm, tensorboardx, tensorflow (for loading checkpoint file)
This contains 9 python files.
: Tokenizers adopted from the original Google BERT's codecheckpoint.py
: Functions to load a model from tensorflow's checkpoint filemodels.py
: Model classes for a general transformeroptim.py
: A custom optimizer (BertAdam class) adopted from Hugging Face's codetrain.py
: A helper class for training and evaluationutils.py
: Several utility functionspretrain.py
: An example code for pre-training transformerclassify.py
: An example code for fine-tuning using pre-trained transformer
Download pretrained model BERT-Base, Uncased and GLUE Benchmark Datasets before fine-tuning.
- make sure that "total_steps" in train_mrpc.json is n_epochs*(num_data/batch_size)
export GLUE_DIR=/path/to/glue
export BERT_PRETRAIN=/path/to/pretrain
export SAVE_DIR=/path/to/save
python classify.py \
--task mrpc \
--mode train \
--train_cfg config/train_mrpc.json \
--model_cfg config/bert_base.json \
--data_file $GLUE_DIR/MRPC/train.tsv \
--pretrain_file $BERT_PRETRAIN/bert_model.ckpt \
--vocab $BERT_PRETRAIN/vocab.txt \
--save_dir $SAVE_DIR \
--max_len 128
Output :
cuda (8 GPUs)
Iter (loss=0.308): 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 115/115 [01:19<00:00, 2.07it/s]
Epoch 1/3 : Average Loss 0.547
Iter (loss=0.303): 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 115/115 [00:50<00:00, 2.30it/s]
Epoch 2/3 : Average Loss 0.248
Iter (loss=0.044): 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 115/115 [00:50<00:00, 2.33it/s]
Epoch 3/3 : Average Loss 0.068
export GLUE_DIR=/path/to/glue
export BERT_PRETRAIN=/path/to/pretrain
export SAVE_DIR=/path/to/save
python classify.py \
--task mrpc \
--mode eval \
--train_cfg config/train_mrpc.json \
--model_cfg config/bert_base.json \
--data_file $GLUE_DIR/MRPC/dev.tsv \
--model_file $SAVE_DIR/model_steps_345.pt \
--vocab $BERT_PRETRAIN/vocab.txt \
--max_len 128
Output :
cuda (8 GPUs)
Iter(acc=0.792): 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 13/13 [00:27<00:00, 2.01it/s]
Accuracy: 0.843137264251709
Google BERT original repo also reported 84.5%.
Input file format :
- One sentence per line. These should ideally be actual sentences, not entire paragraphs or arbitrary spans of text. (Because we use the sentence boundaries for the "next sentence prediction" task).
- Blank lines between documents. Document boundaries are needed so that the "next sentence prediction" task doesn't span between documents.
Document 1 sentence 1
Document 1 sentence 2
Document 1 sentence 45
Document 2 sentence 1
Document 2 sentence 2
Document 2 sentence 24
Usage :
export DATA_FILE=/path/to/corpus
export BERT_PRETRAIN=/path/to/pretrain
export SAVE_DIR=/path/to/save
python pretrain.py \
--train_cfg config/pretrain.json \
--model_cfg config/bert_base.json \
--data_file $DATA_FILE \
--vocab $BERT_PRETRAIN/vocab.txt \
--save_dir $SAVE_DIR \
--max_len 512 \
--max_pred 20 \
--mask_prob 0.15
Output (with Toronto Book Corpus):
cuda (8 GPUs)
Iter (loss=5.837): : 30089it [18:09:54, 2.17s/it]
Epoch 1/25 : Average Loss 13.928
Iter (loss=3.276): : 30091it [18:13:48, 2.18s/it]
Epoch 2/25 : Average Loss 5.549
Iter (loss=4.163): : 7380it [4:29:38, 2.19s/it]
Training Curve (1 epoch ~ 30k steps ~ 18 hours):
Loss for Masked LM vs Iteration steps
Loss for Next Sentence Prediction vs Iteration steps