Based on the jakobkogler/Algorithm-DataStructures
This repo contains algorithms and data structures that might be useful during programming contest.
The algorithms and data structures can easily be pasted into a document using the included Vim plugin.
Use vim-plug or any Vim plugin manager of your choice. The plugin fzf is a requirement.
With vim-plug:
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'FranciscoThiesen/contest-notebook'
The plugin defines a single command AlgDS
It can be mapped like this:
nmap <leader>alg :AlgDS<CR>
There are some pretty printer for GDB.
You can activate them by putting the following in your ~/.gdbinit
source ~/.vim/plugged/Algorithm-DataStructures/