A Fable binding library for Clerk, a user authentication and management platform. It provides a set of F# bindings that allow you to use Clerk components in a type-safe manner within your Fable applications.
To install Feliz.Clerk, you can use the following command:
dotnet add package Feliz.Clerk
Once installed, you can use the Clerk components in your Fable application. In order for the Clerk components to work, you need your CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY. You can find this key in your Clerk dashboard. Once you have the key, you can use it to initialize Clerk in your application.
I use the following setup in vite.config.ts:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
/** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react({ jsxRuntime: 'classic'})], // jsxRuntime: 'classic' is required for fast-refresh for .js files
root: "./src/Priv.Client",
server: {
port: 8080,
proxy: {
'/api': 'http://localhost:5000',
build: {
define: {
.env in the root of my project:
VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=XXXXXXXX <--- your publishable key here
and this is how to use it in your Fable application:
open Feliz.Clerk
let clerkProvider (children: ReactElement seq) =
Clerk.clerkProvider [
clerkProvider.publishableKey PublishableKey.CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY
prop.children children
I attempt to follow the Clerk documentation found here
Feliz.Clerk supports some of the customization options provided by Clerk. You can customize the appearance of Clerk components, add or update localizations, and more. For more details, refer to the official Clerk documentation.
open Feliz.Clerk
let clerkProvider (children: ReactElement seq) =
Clerk.clerkProvider [
clerkProvider.publishableKey PublishableKey.CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY
prop.children children
module Client.View
open Feliz
open Router
open Elmish
open Feliz.UseElmish
type private Msg =
| UrlChanged of Page
type private State = {
Page : Page
let private init () =
let nextPage = Router.currentPath() |> Page.parseFromUrlSegments
{ Page = nextPage }, Cmd.navigatePage nextPage
let private update (msg:Msg) (state:State) : State * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| UrlChanged page -> { state with Page = page }, Cmd.none
open FS.FluentUI
open Feliz.Clerk
module AppView =
let navigation =
Html.div [
Html.a("Home", Page.Index)
Html.span " | "
Html.a("SignIn", Page.SignIn)
Html.span " | "
Html.a("SignUp", Page.SignUp)
Html.span " | "
Html.a("About", Page.About)
let fluentProvider (children: ReactElement seq) =
Fui.fluentProvider [
fluentProvider.children children
let AppView () =
let state,dispatch = React.useElmish(init, update)
let render =
match state.Page with
| Page.SignIn -> Clerk.signIn []
| Page.SignUp -> Clerk.signUp []
| Page.Index -> Clerk.signedIn[]
| Page.About -> Clerk.signedOut []
let reactRouter (children: ReactElement list) =
React.router [
router.onUrlChanged (Page.parseFromUrlSegments >> UrlChanged >> dispatch)
router.children children
AppView.fluentProvider [
reactRouter [
module Client.App
open Feliz
open Browser.Dom
open Feliz.Clerk
.createRoot(document.getElementById "safer-app")
Clerk.clerkProvider [
clerkProvider.publishableKey PublishableKey.CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY
prop.children [ View.AppView() ]
If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository. I do this for fun, so I can't guarantee a quick or helpful response, but I'll do my best to help you out.
- Using Fable version > 4.5.0 causes a runtime error due to the router looking for fable-library 4.5.0.