Made for Zemin Istanbul Presantation
Basically, the application saves the basic data types and custom generated data classes to the local storage.
hive_flutter: ^1.1.0 //add this line
build_runner: ^2.2.1 //add this line
hive_generator: ^1.1.3 //add this line
- hive_flutter
Provides operations on the local storage.
- build_runner
Provides a concrete way of generating files using Dart code.
- hive_generator
Provides automatic generation of TypeAdapters for almost any class.
├── lib
├── core
└── service
├── cache
├── base_cache_manager.dart
└── cache_enums.dart
├── model
├── todo_model.dart
└── todo_model.g.dart
└── product
└── todo
├── todo_service.dart
└── todo_view.dart
└── main.dart
- Initialize Hive
await Hive.initFlutter();
- Open Hive Box
Future<void> boxInit() async {
await Hive.openBox(boxName);
- Add item to box with auto increment key
Future<void> addItemWithAutoIncrementKey(T item) async {
await _box!.add(item);
- Add item to box with custom key
Future<void> addItemWithCustomKey(dynamic key, T item) async {
await _box!.put(key, item);
- Get item from box
T? getItem(dynamic key) {
return _box!.get(key);
- Remove item from box
Future<void> removeItem(dynamic key) async {
await _box!.delete(key);
- Clear box
Future<void> clearBox() async {
await _box!.clear();
- Close box
Future<void> closeBox() async {
await _box!.close();
- Class Architecture
import 'package:hive_flutter/adapters.dart';
part 'todo_model.g.dart';
@HiveType(typeId: 1)
class Todo {
int? userId;
int? id;
String? title;
bool? completed;
Todo({this.userId,, this.title, this.completed});
Todo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {...}
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {...}
- Generate Part File Command
flutter pub run build_runner build
- initialize
final BaseCacheManager<Todo> _todoCacheManager = BaseCacheManager<Todo>(boxName: CacheBoxNames.todo);
Future<void> serviceInit() async {
await _todoCacheManager.boxInit();
When the manager is generated and initialized, it can accesses and uses generic cache manager functions.
await _todoCacheManager.boxInit();
await _todoCacheManager.addItemList(items);
await _todoCacheManager.clearBox();