In this example we will talk about the core MobX concepts, learn how to deploy MobX stores and control UI within your Flutter applications.
- Install MobX packages and create a store with build_runner
- Dependency Injection with Provider package
- Understand observables, actions, reactions and computed
- Create a simple water cup UI and control it's state with the core concepts.
- Understand what is an Observer and how to use it
- Bring your store to different screens to use them in every part of your flutter project
- Dart
- Flutter
- flutter_mobx: ^2.0.0
- mobx: ^2.0.1
- provider: ^5.0.0
- build_runner: ^2.0.4
- mobx_codegen: ^2.0.1+3
- [ x ] water_cup_view
- [ x ] water_cup store
- [ x ] dependency injection
- [ x ] bring store to view & bind store objects to UI
- clone or download project
- run flutter pub get command
- install packages
- run 'flutter packages pub run build_runner watch' for code generation
- Thanks for the invitation for the live event and please contact me from social media if you have any further questions.
- Ali Riza Reisoglu