Welcome to the ENcycloPYdia (ENPY) API!
To get a copy of this project up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/fiattarone/enpyapi.git cd enpyapi
Install Dependencies
yarn install
Start the API
yarn start
This should solely be used for my project RabbitHole, but be my guest as it's public.
This endpoint allows you to query for a word by its value.
- URL:
- HTTP Method: GET
This endpoint allows you to generate a random 32 char ApiKey.
- URL:
- HTTP Method: GET
This example demonstrates how to query a word using the API:
GET /word/apple
This example demonstrates how to generate an API key using the API:
POST /api/
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body
"institutionName": "University of Fiattarone",
"contactEmail": "[email protected]",
"issuedBy": "The Man Himself -- DTF"
- Should probably rate limit the apikey endpoint, and make this rate limit probably 10 guesses/day
- Rotate apikeys annually
- Using ufw to manage ports:
- -3000: Testing
- -22: SSH
- Commands:
sudo ufw allow XXXX/tcp
Enables port XXXX
sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status
Enables ufw & shows open ports
- Using pm2 to run enpyapi in background:
- Commands:
pm2 start ~/enpyapi/src/index.js && pm2 monit
- For files not included in the git clone:
scp /path/to/local/file username@remote_host:/path/to/destination
Moves files from local machine to remote server
- Reach out to me to get your OpenVPN client configuration. Quite simple. I'll email it over or something. Or maybe I'm a paranoid superstitious nerd that needs you to go to a specific location, then ask you to check under a rock for a USB that will self-detonate after one use. That being said, never contact me on a Friday the 13th. Or even a 13th. Don't even mention mirrors. Apple nerds, you see that shiny apple on the lid of your macbook? Better not have a scratch on it--that counts as a broken mirror. Unless you own a black cat. You see, if you own a black cat, two negatives = positive. Anybody who doesn't know their math obviously isn't quality enough to work on this project. So know your math.
- mongoose
- mongodb
- node
- express
- express-validator
- yarn
- dotenv
- cross-env
- express-rate-limit
- crypto
- axios
- stripe
--TBD, but just go ahead and submit a PR if that's your thing.
This project is licensed under the [MIT License] - see the LICENSE.md file for details.