###FRC 5254's 2016 robot
Robot Code is written in Java but dashboard is done in LabVIEW.
####Importing project into Eclipse
- Clone the project into your computers Eclipse workspace using GitHub Desktop
- In Eclipse's "Package Explorer" right click and choose "Import"
- Select General->Existing Projects into Workspace
- Browse and find your "FRC 5254 - Opportunity" folder
- Click finish
####How to run dashboard with Driver Station
- Copy contents of "Dashboard->builds" to your computers dashboard folder to replace the default dashboard
- Make sure the .exe is named "Dashboard.exe"
- Probably located at C:\Program Files (x86)\FRC Dashboard
- Launch the driver station and the dashboard should launch automatically if it's in the right location
- If not, make sure the driver station Dashboard Type is set to "Default" under the gear icon in the Driver Station