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ptcee: Calibration and estimation for pan/tilt cameras

Authors: Martin Vonheim Larsen (martin-vonheim.larsen (a)

 License DOI

ptcee is a core library for calibrating pan/tilt cameras written in C++. She provides a GTSAM-compatible implementation of the full pan/tilt system model used in the paper Achieving Sub-Pixel Platform Accuracy with PTZ-Cameras in Uncertain Times, as well as routines for calibrating it.

Overview of the method

This setup incorporates and calibrates the following parameters:

  • Perspective camera intrinsics with quadratic radial distortion
  • Rolling shutter model and -compensation
  • Clock synchronization between pan/tilt measurements and video feed
  • Arbitrary pan/tilt axes
  • Scaling bias on the pan/tilt measurements
  • Map of observed landmarks, on the unit sphere in the platform frame

The resulting calibrated model can be used together with pan/tilt measurements to create fairly accurate mappings from pixels to directions in the platform frame. Using the map of landmarks together with the frontend proposed in the paper enables such mappings with pixel accuracy.

Using ptcee in your projects

We strongly recommend building and using ptcee with conan and CMake. You can build and use it with plain CMake as well, but then you're on your own. If you are new to conan, please take a look on the Conan Tutorial first.

1. Download and export the conan recipe

As of writing we do not yet have an official ptcee recipe in conan center, so you'll have to download it manually.

git clone [email protected]:FFI-no/ptcee.git
conan export ptcee
rm -rf ptcee
2. Add ptcee to your conanfile

Add ptcee/1.0.0 to your conanfile.

3. Add ptcee to your CMakeLists.txt

Assuming you have setup your CMake project properly with conan, the following should work:

# --- snip ---

find_package(ptcee 1.0.0 REQUIRED)

# --- snip ---

  PUBLIC ptcee::ptcee
4. Use ptcee in your code

Typically, you will use ptcee through the ptc::PTZEstimator class, by executing the following steps:

  1. Add pan/tilt measurements with ptc::PTZEstimator::insertPanTilt().
  2. Add landmark observations with ptc::PTZEstimator::insertObservations().
  3. Perform model calibration with ptc::PTZEstimator::estimate().
  4. Access the calibrated model with ptc::PTZEstimator::getEstimate().

You have to obtain pan/tilt measurements and landmark observations yourself. In code these steps can look like the following:

In code, we start by setting up an ptc::PTZEstimator, which requires initial guesses for the intrinsic camera model, the clock offset dt between pan/tilt measurements and images, the line duration ell for rolling shutter, and the pan/tilt scaling parameter:

Here we setup an estimator for a FullHD camera assuming f = 2000 (which means that hfov is approx. 25 degrees), no radial distortion, dt = 0, global shutter and pan/tilt measurements with no scaling bias.

#include "ptcee/ptz_estimator.h"

// --- snip ---

using Estimator = ptc::PTZEstimator<ptc::CalFK>;

const ptc::CalFK initial_cal{
  2000, // f
  0, // k
  1920, // w
  1080 // h
const auto initial_cal_cov
  = Eigen::Array2d{500, 1}.square().matrix().asDiagonal();

const double initial_dt = 0;
const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> initial_dt_cov{1};
const double initial_ell = 0;
const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> initial_ell_cov{1};
const Eigen::Vector2d initial_pt_scale{1, 1};
const Eigen::Array2d initial_pt_scale_cov{1e-1, 1e-1};

Estimator estimator{
  {initial_cal, initial_cal_cov},
  {initial_dt, initial_dt_cov},
  {initial_ell, initial_ell_cov},

Next, we insert noisy pan/tilt measurements with uncertain timestamps:

for (const auto [t, pan, tilt] : pan_tilt_measurements)
  constexpr double sigma_t = 1e-3;
  constexpr double dt = 1/30; // time between pan/tilt measurements
  constexpr double sigma_dt = 1e-4;
  constexpr double sigma_pan_tilt = 1e-3;
  const Eigen::Matrix2d R_pan_tilt = Eigen::Array2d::Constant(sigma_pan_tilt).square().matrix().asDiagonal();
      {t, sigma_t},
      {dt, sigma_dt}
    {{pan, tilt}, R_pan_tilt}

Then, we insert landmark observations from images. Here, you have to process the images and detect landmarks yourself in getObservations().

for (const auto [t, img] : images)
  constexpr double sigma_t = 1e-3;
  constexpr double dt = 1/25.; // time between images
  constexpr double sigma_dt = 1e-4;
  std::map<size_t, ptc::Gaussian<Eigen::Vector2d>> observations;
  for (const auto [landmark_id, uv, R_uv] : getObservations(img))
    observations[landmark_id] = ptc::Gaussian<Eigen::Vector2d>{uv, R_uv};
      {t, sigma_t},
      {dt, sigma_dt}

Finally, we are ready to perform the calibration, and obtain the result:


const auto estimate = estimator.getEstimate();

If we keep inserting pan/tilt measurements as they are received from the camera, we can use the above estimate to obtain mappings from pixels (some_uv) to directions (d_base) in the platform frame as:

const auto& dt = estimate.dt.x;
const auto& ell = estimate.ell.x;
const auto& cal =;
const auto& pan_axis = estimate.pan_axis.x;
const auto& tilt_axis = estimate.tilt_axis.x;
const auto& pt_scale = estimate.pt_scale.x;

for (const auto [t, img] : more_images)
  const auto [R_base_from_cam0, twist] = estimator.getRotAndTwist(
    t + dt,
  const Eigen::Vector2d some_uv; // = ...
  const auto t_uv = ell*some_uv.y();
  const auto R_base_from_cam = R_base_from_cam0.retract(t_uv*twist);
  const auto d_base = R_base_from_cam*cal.reproject(uv);
  // todo: make profit 


Source code is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.


Please cite the Paper as:

Larsen, Martin Vonheim, and Kim Mathiassen. "Achieving Sub-Pixel Platform Accuracy With Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras in Uncertain Times." IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2024).

Bibtex entry as follows:

  title={Achieving Sub-Pixel Platform Accuracy With Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras in Uncertain Times},
  author={Larsen, Martin Vonheim and Mathiassen, Kim},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},


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