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Name: go + deploy
A web deployment system tool!
Support all kinds of code release and rollback, which can be done through the web with one click!
Complete installation instructions, no difficulty in getting started!
Important note: The master branch may be in an unstable or unavailable state during the development process. Please use releases instead of master to obtain stable binary files.
DEMO admin:admin!@# (It may not be able to open, depending on the mood)
Although most popular publishing tools are powerful, they are cumbersome to configure, difficult to get started, and difficult to use for projects.
- Install mysql
- Download the latest release
- Run ./goploy or goploy.exe or goploy.mac
- Follow the installation guide
- web http://ip:port (Account:Password admin:admin!@#)
- Install go >= 1.16
- go mod required
- edit .env ENV=dev
- go run main.go
- use gin (hot reload)
- cd web
- vi .env.development
- npm run dev
- gin - GO hot reload。
- element-ui - UI。
Create a pull request.
MIT © zhenorzz