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Known Issues April 2017

Michael Miller edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 6 revisions
  1. Data Mapper If source data field has a default value set, it will not transfer if set to 'null'. Workaround - use set value in the data mapper.

  2. Global IDs If source and target databases have duplicate GlobalIDs (as a result of preserving GlobalIDs) may result in an error from the DBMS.

Example from SQL Server: ERROR 000224: Cannot insert features - Underlying DBMS error [[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'UNAdmin.SERVICEAREA' with uniqueindex 'UUID_42'. The duplicate key value is (a664a9dc-6550-4778-a0c2-eb98c74d4c60).]

  1. New File When using a feature service from the portal tab and adding it to the current map, you must select the sub-layer.

  2. AddinX Doesn't work with the ArcGIS Pro dark theme.

  3. Data Mapper If the source is set to 'null', and the target has a default value for that field, DA will still map null over to the target. User will have to manually define after the process.

  4. Data Mapper If using Domain Map as the criteria, all domain values must be accounted for in the mapping, if not, a value must be provided in the 'Otherwise' textbox. Error will occur if failing to do so.

  5. Layer file from TOC A layer file from the TOC stores the data source in the xml, so all stuff specified in the layer file is not honored