This repo contains the official implementation for the CVPR2023 paper: GFPose: Learning 3D Human Pose Prior with Gradient Fields. With GFPose, you can learn 3D pose prior and perform 5 downstream tasks in one model.
by Hai Ci, Mingdong Wu, Wentao Zhu, Xiaoxuan Ma, Hao Dong, Fangwei Zhong and Yizhou Wang.
- python >= 3.9
- pytorch
- 3DPoseViewer (for visualization)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download 3d keypoints here. For corresponding h36m images (optional), please register on the official website. Download the pretrained U3D model here. Organize data and checkpoints in the following structure.
|-- configs
|-- lib
|-- run
|-- checkpoint
|-- u3d
|-- best_model.pth
|-- data
|-- h36m
|-- h36m_train.pkl
|-- h36m_test.pkl
|-- h36m_sh_dt_ft.pkl
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m run.train_fc_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --name u3d
Sample 200 hypotheses with SDE.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 4 --hypo 200 --save results est
Sample 1 hypothesis with probability flow ODE.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 1 --hypo 1 --pflow --save trajs est
python -m run.visualize --num-human 1 --num-hypo 80 --vis-gt
Evaluate with 200 hypotheses and 2 randomly selected missing joints.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 4 --hypo 200 --save results comp2d --randj 2
Manually specified missing joints (e.g. right leg).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 4 --hypo 200 --save results comp2d --jlist 1,2,3
python -m run.visualize --num-human 1 --num-hypo 40 --vis-gt
Evaluate with 1 hypothesis and 3 randomly selected missing joints.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 1 --hypo 1 --pflow --save trajs comp3d --randj 3
Manually specified missing joints (e.g. two legs).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 1 --hypo 1 --pflow --save trajs comp3d --jlist 1,2,3,4,5,6
python -m run.visualize --num-human 1 --num-hypo 1 --vis-gt
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m run.eval_fc_mp_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --sample 640 --gpus 1 --hypo 1 --save trajs gen
python -m run.visualize --num-human 40 --num-hypo 1 --num-perline 5
Denoise mocap data.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m run.denoise_fc_adv_3d --config configs/subvp/ --ckpt-dir checkpoint/u3d --best --save den --noise-type gaussian --std 5 --t 0.05
python -m run.visualize --num-human 1 --num-hypo 1 --vis-gt
This repo includes a modified version of 3DPoseViewer to visualize the multi-hypotheses and diffusion process. Please find the dependencies to run this viewer here.
python -m run.visualize
--num-human # number of persons visualized in a batch
--num-hypo # number of sampled hypotheses to visualize
--vis-gt # whether to visualize humans
--num-perline # number of humans to plot in a line
If you find this code useful in your project, please consider citing:
title={GFPose: Learning 3D Human Pose Prior with Gradient Fields},
author={Ci, Hai and Wu, Mingdong and Zhu, Wentao and Ma, Xiaoxuan and Dong, Hao and Zhong, Fangwei and Wang, Yizhou},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08641},
This repo is built on the excellent work score_sde by Yang Song.