User input masking library ported to Xamarin.IOS
Original version:
The library allows to format user input on the fly according to the provided mask and to extract valueable characters.
Masks consist of blocks of symbols, which may include:
— a block for valueable symbols written by user.
Square brackets block may contain any number of special symbols:
— mandatory digit. For instance,[000]
mask will allow user to enter three numbers:123
— optional digit . For instance,[00099]
mask will allow user to enter from three to five numbers.А
— mandatory letter.[AAA]
mask will allow user to enter three letters:abc
— optional letter.[АААааа]
mask will allow to enter from three to six letters._
— mandatory symbol (digit or letter).-
— optional symbol (digit or letter).
Other symbols inside square brackets will cause a mask initialization error.
Blocks may contain mixed types of symbols; such that, [000AA]
will end up being divided in two groups: [000][AA]
(this happens automatically).
Blocks must not contain nested brackets. [[00]000]
format will cause a mask initialization error.
Symbols outside the square brackets will take a place in the output.
For instance, +7 ([000]) [000]-[0000]
mask will format the input field to the form of +7 (123) 456-7890
— a block for valueable yet fixed symbols, which could not be altered by the user.
Symbols within the square and curly brackets form an extracted value (valueable characters).
In other words, [00]-[00]
and [00]{-}[00]
will format the input to the same form of 12-34
but in the first case the value, extracted by the library, will be equal to 1234
, and in the second case it will result in 12-34
Mask format examples:
- [00000000000]
- {401}-[000]-[00]-[00]
- [000999999]
- {818}-[000]-[00]-[00]
- [A][-----------------------------------------------------]
- [A][_______________________________________________________________]
- 8 [0000000000]
- 8([000])[000]-[00]-[00]
- [0000]{-}[00]
- +1 ([000]) [000] [00] [00]
The library is distributed under the MIT LICENSE.