+400 pages of personal notes on cybersecurity, hacking
- Google Docs
- Markdown - IN PROGRESS
Autor : Comores11 and Edra
1) Linux commands
- list
- Nmap commands
2) About PHP
- PHP - Difference between ‘ and “
- PHP - Path and dot truncation
- PHP - Loose comparaison
- PHP - preg_replace exploit
- Cookies vs. sessions ( no PHP )
3) Iptables
4) Network TCP header FLag
- Modèle TCP/IP
- Certificat et PKI
- Protocole TLS ( Transport Layer Security ) / SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer )
- Port Knocking
- Network File System (NFS)
5) Web
- (Se/Deser)-ialisation
- Some tools
- Identify insecure deserialization
- Magic methods
- Gadget Chains
- JWT (JSON Web Token
- SQL injection
- étapes dans une SQLi Union
- Potentielles étapes pour une BSQLi
- Exemples de payloads
- LDAP injection
- MongoDB injection
- SQL Truncation
- Open Redirect
- Some payload
- Some payloads
- RCE via Log poisoning
- RCE via Proc Environ Injection
- RCE via SSH Log Poisoning
- RCE via SMTP Log Poisoning
- How to Detect
- XML external entity (XXE) injection
- XSS ( Cross-site scripting )
- Interesting payload
- Dangling markup injection
- Definiton
- Interesting payload
- Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking
- Definition
- Exploitation
- Authentication
- Server-side request forgery (SSRF)
- finding vuln
- Useful payloads
- Os command injection
- Some payload
- Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
- Definiton
- Preventing
- Exploit techniques
- Business logic vulnerabilities
- Directory traversal
- Some interesting payloads
- Web cache poisoning
- Access Control
- Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
- Definition
- Exploit
- Server-side template injection
- Définition
- Detect
- Identify
- Explore
- Preventing
- HTTP Parameter Pollution
- Différents Entêtes HTTP
- MIME sniffing
- Exploiting PUT Method
- With Cadaver
- With Nmap
- With Burp-Suite
- Finding PUT Method vuln
- HTTP Host header attacks
- Definition
- Prévention
- Test HTTP Host header attack :
- Password reset poisoning :
- HTTP request smuggling
- Definition
- CL.TE vuln
- TE.CL vuln
- TE.TE vuln
- Prevention
- Finding CL.TE vuln
- Finding TE.CL vuln
- IDOR ( Insecure Direct object Reference )
- OAuth 2.0 authentication vulnerabilities
- What is OAuth ?
- How does OAuth 2.0 Work ?
- How do OAuth authentication vulnerabilities arise?
- Definiton
- Some Vulnerability :
- Injection de commentaire XML :
- Phar://
- Different file extensions
- JS prototype Pollution :
- Règle et de bonnes pratiques :
- Session Management :
- Cookies Management :
- AJAX Management :
- Authentication Management :
- Credential Stuffing Prevention
- CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention)
- Résumé :
- Cryptographic Storage
- Database Security
- Php configuration
- Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
- File Uploads
- Password Storage
- MISC checklist
7) Javascript security
- CDN in JS:
- Description
- Impact
- Incorrect Referrer Policy :
8) ClickJacking
- prevention
9) Linux
- /etc/passwd file :
- Some Environment variables in Linux:
- Fonctionnement de la HEAP ( glibc heap ):
- Some basic HEAP rules:
- Spécification :
- Some important file in Linux system
- SMB Penetration Testing (Port 445)
- Phishing tools
- File System in Linux
- Shell restreint
- /etc/shadow file fields
- Système de volume logique de linux
- Shared Library Hijacking :
10) Linux Hardening Rules
11) PWN - Exploit mistakes in programming and execution
- Memory leak
- Exploits de type “format strings”:
- Définition
- Bypass ASRL :
- SSP ( stack smashing protector )
- Use-After-Free :
- Return-to-libc :
- ROP - Return Oriented Programming
- Double free :
- The House of Force attack
- Code execution techniques :
- The Fastbin dups ( duplication ) attack
12) Gdb command
13) ARM
- Differents instructions
- condition codes :
14) Assembleur x86
15) Stéganographie
- Steganography tools
- Some useful commands
16) Cryptographie
- Cryptography tools
- Useful Commands
- Catégorisation d'algorithmes cryptographique
- Taille de différents Hash :
- Man In The Middle291
- RSA :
- Intro :
- Déroulement de l’algorithme :
- Attacking RSA keys
- Modulus too small ( n )
- Low private exponent ( d )
- Bit-flipping attack
- Mode opératoire CTR :
- Mode opératoire ECB :
- Diffie-Hellman
- intro :
- Fonctionnement de Diffie-Hellman :
- DH avec courbe elliptique :
- AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard )
- PKCS#5 and PKCS#7 padding :
- Perfect Forward Secrecy ( PFS ):
- Hash length attack extension
- Liste d’Algo de générateur de nombres pseudo-aléatoires
- ECDSA ("Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm")
- Algorithme RC4 :
- An Initialization Vector (IV)
- Padding oracle attacks :
- Définition :
- Prévention
- GCM ( Galois Counter Mode )
- Le Salt
17) Forensic
- Some tools and command
- Volatility
- Some Volatility command and plugin
- Les Rootkit :
18) Linux Privilege Escalation
- System enumeration command :
- Kernel exploitation :
- Passwords & File Permissions exploitation :
- Sudo exploitation :
- SUID Exploitation
- Shared Object Injection :
- VIA Environment Variables :
- Exploiting SUID permission in cpulimit command :
- RCE through mysql command on a writeable directory :
- Lxd Privilege Escalation
- Python Library Hijacking
- Method 1 : From Bad Write Permission
- Method 2 : Priority Order
- Method 3 : PYTHONPATH Environment Variable
20) Format ELF
- Section in ELF
- Environnement d'exécution :
21) Python
- Useful tools
23) Metasploit
- Autoroute exploit :
- Ping sweep :
- auxiliary tcp port scanner :
24) GraphQL
- Definiton
- Common GraphQL endpoint :
- GraphQL injection :
- Useful Introspection query
25) Bash
26) Ruby-On-Rails
27) PowerShell
- Definition
28) Others
- Recovering saved macOS user passwords
- Mass assignment
- Tunneling with Chisel :
29) Active Directory
30) DNS
- Différents Commands
31) Android
- Tools
- Decompile APK
- AndroidManifest.xml :
- Root détection :
- Bypass root detection :
- Android Activity lifecycle :
- Rooting and Jailbreaking :
- Signing mobile application :
32) IOS
- Tools
33) Reverse
- Techniques d’anti-reverse :
- Polymorphisme et métamorphisme
- Packer
- Anti-virtualisation et anti-émulation
34) Container Security
- Definition
- Some Commands
- Registre Docker
- Docker Compose
- Dockerfile
- Container Breakouts :
- Misc
35) S3 (Simple Storage Service) AWS (Amazon Web Services)
- Définition
- S3 Buckets
- ACL ( Access control list )
36) Smart Contract
37) Windows in general
- Commands
- NT hash
- Hiberfill.sys file
- DLL Hijacking definiton
- DLL Hijacking techniques
- UAC Bypass definiton
- UAC bypass techniques
- Process migration :
- Misc
38) Wifi
- Tools
- WPA ou WPA2
- WPA-Personal vs WPA-Entreprise
- Protocole WPS
- AP ( Access Point )
- Password Cracking ( WPA/WPA2 BForcing )
- Steps :
39) DevOps / DevOpsSec
- Définition
- Etape Dev et Ops :
- Version Control System :
- Testing :
- Intégration Continue :
- Infrastructure as Code
40) Audit en boîte blanche
- Code Review : Strategies :
- Code Review : Reviewing :
- Méthode 1
41) Bug bounty Tips
- BB - Recon (file, url, subdomains):
- BB - CSRF Bypass protection :
- BB - OAuth :
- BB - SAML :
- BB - Bypassing 403 and 401 error :
- BB : File upload :
- BB : Broken access control :
- BB - XSS :
- BB - SSRF :
- BB - Login/password form :
- BB - CORS :
- BB - Web Cache Poisoning :
- BB - HTTP response header injection :
- BB - HTTP Host header attacks :
- BB - API :
- BB - Information Disclosure/gathering :
- BB - Business logic vulnerabilities :
- BB - GraphQL :
- BB - APK :
- Non technique, normes, ...
- Secure PHP Software Guideline
- Dependency Management
- Recommended Packages
- Subresource Integrity
- Document Relationships
- Database Interaction
- File Uploads
- Security Web Testing Guide
- Information Gathering
- General
- Shodan
- Configuration and Deployment Management Testing
- Review each version (if possible) of each element related to the server web (DB, proxy, …)
- Client-side Testing
- Test automatique :
- FindomXSS :
- DOM based XSS Finder (extension CHROME) (FUZZ)
- DOM Invader (en ouvrant le navigateur depuis BURP)
- XSStrike (FUZZ)
- Test manuel :
- API Testing
- GraphQL
- Testing Browser Storage
- Testing Web Messaging 450
- Testing for Cross Site Script Inclusion
- Testing for Host Header Injection
- Testing for SQLi
42 ) Search Engine