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Install and configure ownCloud on a single server.

This role adds the official gitlab repository, but leaves it disabled.

Following ownCloud features are configured automatically through the role:

  • MySQL is used as the default local database backend and can be tweaked by setting the owncloud_mysql_ variables.
  • Memcache using APCu for local cache.
  • LDAP user authentication. All configuration is the owncloud_user_ldap_config hash. See below for configuration variables.
  • Background jobs with the operating system's cron, running hourly. Email for cron jobs is directed to owncloud_admin_email.
  • Mail is sent using sendmail, with owncloud_admin_email as the sender.
  • Logging goes to ownCloud's default file path using the owncloud backend with a rotation size of 500Mb. See owncloud_log_ variables for tweaking the logging features.
  • Antivirus is activated using clamav. Note that not provisions are made to make sure clamav has run, specially ownCloud's default settings prevent it from scanning certain files (type, size,...). Note that you still need to manually activate the antivirus app from the app store. See below for antivirus configuration.
  • ownCloud's main appstore is activated by default, but experimental apps are not enabled. See owncloud_appstore_ variables for tweaks.
  • Collaborative editing of documents is enabled with a local LibreOffice setup. Note that you still need to manually activate the documents app from the app store.

Multiple owncloud servers can be installed and configured. Only the first server in the list will be responsible for configuring the database and other options that depend on the occ command line tool. You must set the list of owncloud application servers in owncloud_app_servers, for example to a group listed in the inventory (ie owncloud_app_servers: '{{groups["owncloud-owncloud-servers"]}}').

A custom theme can be optionally deployed to the application servers from a git repository. Use owncloud_theme_name to specify the name of the folder inside the themes directory and owncloud_theme_repo to point to the git repository with the theme code.


See meta/main.yml.

Role Variables

See defaults/main.yml.

LDAP configuration

All LDAP configuration is stored inside the owncloud_user_ldap_config hash, which is empty by default, therefore disabling LDAP. Any variable understood by occ ldap:set-config can be included in the hash. Because the need to retrieve values from occ to make the role idempotent and the difference in syntax between occ config:app:get user_ldap and occ ldap:set-config, each element in the hash has the following format:

get_var: [set_var, value]

where get_var is the variable name used by occ config:app:get user_ldap and set_var is the variable name used by occ ldap:set-config. For example:

  ldap_host: [ldapHost, 'ldaps://']
  ldap_port: [ldapPort, '636']

Antivirus configuration

Antivirus configuration goes into the owncloud_files_antivirus_config hash. All options understood by occ config:app:get files_antivirus can be used. A common setup might be:

  av_chunk_size: '1024'
  av_infected_action: 'only_log'
  av_mode: 'socket'
  av_path: '/usr/bin/clamscan'
  av_port: '0'
  av_socket: '/var/run/clamd.scan/clamd.sock'

Note that you still need to manually activate the antivirus app from the app store.


Owncloud depends on apache+php pre-install on the application servers. Using roles geerlingguy.apache, geerlingguy.repo-epel, geerlingguy.repo-remi and geerlingguy.php before this roles is sufficient (see example below).

An NFS server is needed if more than one application server is deployed. nfs can be used in client_mode to point to the NFS server mounts.

Example Playbook


- hosts: servers
    - geerlingguy.apache
    - geerlingguy.repo-epel
    - geerlingguy.repo-remi
    - geerlingguy.php
    - {role: nfs, nfs_mode: client}
    - owncloud


  • Select version to install.
  • Keep mailto=root and set an alias for root?
  • Better logic for running freshclam for the first time, or clamd service might bail out. Make a service? Or install cron packages.
  • Some options are not updated (ie admin_pass, admin_email).
  • Full playbook example, including haproxy, mysql, nfs server...


Released under the MIT license.

Author Information

Luis Gracia while at EMBL-EBI:


Ansible role to install and configure owncloud







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