- Ctrl + Q --- Документация
- Shift + Ctrl + I --- Реализация метода на котором установлен курсор
- Ctrl + P --- Информация о параметрах, необходимых для конкретного метода
- Alt + Ctrl + F7 --- Показать места использования
- Ctrl + P --- Сведения о параметрах метода
- F4 --- Переход в реализацию класса
- Ctrl + Alt + L --- Формат текста
- Shift + Alt + Pup/Pdown --- Поднять или опустить строку
- git help command --- man page for git commands
- git show 8569daf (coomit hash) --- shows commit if not specified shows the last commit
- git status --- shows untracked files
- git branch --- shows at which branch you are currently working
- git diff master..feature --- how what changes was made on feature compared to master
- git checkout -b branch_name --- creates new branch
- git checkout branch-name --- change between bracnhes
- git add . --- move all files in current dir to the stage
- git add --all --- move all files in current dir to the stage
- git add -p yourfile.html --- allow you to CHOOSE what changes you want to commit in this file. (example -> if you added 2 lines of code git will offer you to commit changes line by line. You can choose to save (commit) first added line but not second. Very convinient feature!.)
- git rm --cached filename --- remove file from stage area
- git rm --cached -r directory --- remove all files and in dir from stage area
- git commit -m --- commit changes from staging with a message
- git commit -a --- commit without git add for TRACKED files
- git remote -v --- shows which github repos are connected with ur local repo
- git remote add origin https://github.com/Dzentsetsu/Tips.git --- creates a handle in your local repo with alias ORIGIN to this "https://github.com/Dzentsetsu/Tips.git" repo (now you can fetch from it and push to it)
- git remote remove alias --- removes a handle to github repo (this is used when for example you have 2 repos where you commit ur local files to and now you do not want to use one of them anymore,so you can delete a handle to it)
- git push -u origin my_branch --- type this if it is the first time that you push that branch in just created repo.
- git clone <remote_URL> --- clone project.
- git commit -a --allow-empty-message -m ' ' --- let you make a commit with no message. Pretty usefull when working alone
If you want fast check any repo, write 1s after letter b in url (github.com/blablabla ---> github1s.com/blablabla). It will open repo in vscode in the browser!! 😎
- Ctrl+L --- clear's terminal instead of typing command "clear"
- apt-cache pkgnames anyname | less --- list every package with anyname in the beginning of the package name
- uname -a --- determine the processor architecture, the system hostname and the version of the kernel
- lsmod --- shows which loadable kernel modules are currently loaded
- tree --- tree is a recursive directory listing program that produces a depth-indented listing of files
- > --- output redirection. Redirect output from left side command to right side ex. (ls > fileList.txt)
- | --- put result of one command as input to another
- grep --- print lines that match patterns
- which ls --- every command in linux is actually a file and this command shows you where it is on ur computer
- file path_to_file --- shows what type of file is it
- where name_of_executable --- shows location of executable file you specified
- Alt+B --- move backwards inside string quickly
- Alt+F --- move forward inside string quickly
Array methods
- Array.push() --- method adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array
- Array.unshift() --- method adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array
- Array.pop() --- method removes the last element from an array and returns that element
- Array.shift() --- method removes first element from an array and returns that removed element
- Array.splice() --- method changes the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements if you need to replace characters in the string ---> https://www.codewars.com/kata/56bcaedfcf6b7f2125001118/solutions/javascript
Extremely usefull
- Ctrl+Shift+P --- wraps selected text in specified container (e.x .container will give you div with a class=container)
- https://docs.emmet.io/cheat-sheet/ --- Emmet cheatsheet - SUPER USEFULL!!!!😲
- F2 --- when you want to change tag
- Shift+Alt+I --- put cursor the the end of current selected lines 👍
- Ctrl+Shift+L --- select all occuriances of word and start editing
- Alt+Z --- wrapping text if it's too long to fit on the sreen
- https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics --- VSCode Hot-keys cheatsheet - SUPER USEFULL!!!!😲
- Win+; --- insert Emoji 💎
- Ctrl+K+0 --- folds all regions 💎
- Ctrl+K+J --- unfolds all regions 💎
- Shift+Alt+Right --- expand selection
- Ctrl+G --- To go to a line in the file, then type a line number 👍
- Ctrl+B --- Show hide sidebar
- echo $? --- в баш строке выведет статус последней исполненной программы (по сути выводит тот самый int из int main)