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Smart Plug Installation

Alex Lennon edited this page Aug 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

There are a range of smart plugs from Tuya which seem to work with Tasmota.

We have tested on the Avatar plugs so far

First you need to replace the supplied firmware with a vanilla build of Tasmota. To do this follow the instructions for Tuya Convert and choose to install the Tasmota build supplied with Tuya Convert

Following successful installation the smart plug will boot up in AP mode with tuya-XXXXXX or similar.

Connect to the AP and configure the plug to connect to your own AP. Find the IP address of the plug from your DHCP server (e.g. router)

Connect to the IP address of the smart plug and choose to update the firmware from web server.

Change the URL to and update.

Grab the ajl/ambient kettle branch of Tasmota from the repo here and built with task tasmota->build

After reboot connect again to the IP address and choose update again.

Choose the local firmware.bin file that is output by the tasmota->build task. NB If this is too big to upload you might need to gzip it.

Connect to the IP again and go to the Tasmota console. Enter 'reset 1' to reset to new configuration settings.

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