This is a server-side implementation of minecraft's Server List Ping Protocol. It logs all incoming connections. The server's appearance in the client server list is fully customizable. This implementation supports both the current protocol (1.7+) and the legacy protocol (1.6 and below).
There are certain people who use programs to scan the internet for minecraft servers. I wanted a simple way to collect metrics about these scanning tools that does not involve running an actual minecraft server.
mc-honeypot [OPTIONS]
-p, --port <PORT>
The port the honeypot will listen on [default: 25565]
-v, --version-string <VERSION_STRING>
The version string displayed by the Client [default: 1.20.4]
--protocol-version <PROTOCOL_VERSION>
This is used by clients to determine if it is compatible with our server [default: 765]
-m, --max-players <MAX_PLAYERS>
The displayed maximum player count [default: 100]
-o, --online-players <ONLINE_PLAYERS>
The displayed online player count. Defaults to player count if not provided
--players <NAME:UUID>
The Username and UUID (seperated by ":") of fake players you want to add to the server (providable multiple times)
--motd <MOTD>
The displayed "Message of the Day" [default: "§aHello, World"]
-i, --icon-file <ICON_FILE>
Path to png image which is displayed as the server icon. Needs to be 64x64 pixels in size
-w, --webhook-url <WEBHOOK_URL>
URL of discord webhook to send logs to
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
If you are using the Nix package manager, you can run it using flakes with:
nix run "github:Duckulus/mc-honeypot" -- [OPTIONS]
If you are running a NixOS server and using flakes, you can import it to run as a systemd service like this:
description = "NixOS configuration";
inputs = {
mc-honeypot.url = "github:Duckulus/mc-honeypot";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, mc-honeypot }: {
nixosConfigurations = {
hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
{ = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
settings = {
# Interpreted as command line options