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DragonSlayer62 committed Mar 14, 2024
1 parent 867f2cd commit fa4ee1f
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Showing 12 changed files with 114 additions and 16 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.CSY
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5331,5 +5331,16 @@
19129=Ve svém balíčku nemáte žádné silné lektvary tohoto typu.
19130=Lektvary byste měli nalít pouze na rostlinu nebo semeno!
19131=Rostlina je tímto typem lektvaru již nasáklá!
19132=Abyste jej mohli použít, musíte mít předmět v batohu.
19133=Vyberte kousek špíny, který chcete nabrat.
19134=Potřebujete více nečistot k naplnění misky na rostliny!
19135=Naplňte misku čerstvou špínou.
19136=Budete chtít nasbírat čerstvou špínu, abyste vypěstovali zdravou rostlinu!
19137=Vyberte misku s hlínou, do které zasadíte toto semínko.
19138=Musíte použít semeno na připravenou půdu!
19139=Tato miska s nečistotami již obsahuje semínko %s!
19140=Nejprve je třeba změkčit nečistoty.
19141=Zasadíte semeno do misky s hlínou.
19142=Musíte použít semínko na misku s nečistotami!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.ENG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5332,5 +5332,16 @@
19129=You don't have any strong potions of that type in your pack.
19130=You should only pour potions on a plant or seed!
19131=The plant is already soaked with this type of potion!
19132=You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
19133=Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
19134=You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!
19135=You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
19136=You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!
19137=Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in.
19138=You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
19139=This bowl of dirt already has a seed %s in it!
19140=The dirt needs to be softened first.
19141=You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.
19142=You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.FRE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5487,5 +5487,16 @@
19129=Vous n'avez pas de potions puissantes de ce type dans votre pack.
19130=Vous ne devriez verser des potions que sur une plante ou une graine !
19131=La plante est déjà imbibée de ce type de potion !
19132=Vous devez avoir l'objet dans votre sac à dos pour l'utiliser.
19133=Choisissez une parcelle de terre à ramasser.
19134=Vous avez besoin de plus de terre pour remplir un bol de plante !
19135=Vous remplissez le bol de terre fraîche.
19136=Vous aurez envie de ramasser de la terre fraîche afin de faire pousser une plante saine !
19137=Choisissez un bol de terre pour y planter cette graine.
19138=Vous devez utiliser une graine sur un sol préparé !
19139=Ce bol de terre contient déjà une graine %s !
19140=La saleté doit d'abord être ramollie.
19141=Vous plantez la graine dans le bol de terre.
19142=Vous devez utiliser une graine sur un bol de terre !
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.GER
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5331,5 +5331,16 @@
19129=Du hast keine starken Tränke dieser Art in deinem Rucksack.
19130=Du solltest Tränke nur auf eine Pflanze oder einen Samen gießen!
19131=Die Pflanze ist bereits mit dieser Art von Trank getränkt!
19132=Sie müssen das Objekt in Ihrem Rucksack haben, um es verwenden zu können.
19133=Wählen Sie ein Stück Erde zum Aufsammeln.
19134=Sie benötigen mehr Erde, um eine Pflanzschale zu füllen!
19135=Sie füllen die Schüssel mit frischer Erde.
19136=Sie möchten frische Erde sammeln, um eine gesunde Pflanze zu züchten!
19137=Wählen Sie eine Schüssel mit Erde, in die Sie diesen Samen pflanzen möchten.
19138=Sie müssen einen Samen auf vorbereitetem Boden verwenden!
19139=Diese Schüssel voller Erde enthält bereits einen Samen %s!
19140=Der Schmutz muss zuerst aufgeweicht werden.
19141=Sie pflanzen den Samen in die Schüssel mit Erde.
19142=Sie müssen einen Samen auf eine Schüssel voller Erde verwenden!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.ITA
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5331,5 +5331,16 @@
19129=Non hai pozioni forti di quel tipo nel tuo zaino.
19130=Dovresti versare pozioni solo su una pianta o un seme!
19131=La pianta è già intrisa di questo tipo di pozione!
19132=Devi avere l'oggetto nello zaino per usarlo.
19133=Scegli un pezzo di terra da raccogliere.
19134=Hai bisogno di più terra per riempire un vaso per piante!
19135=Riempi la ciotola con terra fresca.
19136=Avrai bisogno di raccogliere terra fresca per far crescere una pianta sana!
19137=Scegli una ciotola di terra in cui piantare questo seme.
19138=Devi usare un seme su un terreno preparato!
19139=Questa ciotola di terra contiene già un seme %s!
19140=Lo sporco deve prima essere ammorbidito.
19141=Pianta il seme nella ciotola di terra.
19142=Devi usare un seme su una ciotola di terra!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.POL
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5331,5 +5331,16 @@
19129=Nie masz w swoim zestawie żadnych silnych mikstur tego typu.
19130=Powinieneś polewać miksturami tylko rośliny lub nasiona!
19131=Roślina jest już nasączona tego typu miksturą!
19132=Musisz mieć ten przedmiot w plecaku, aby z niego skorzystać.
19133=Wybierz kawałek ziemi do zebrania.
19134=Potrzebujesz więcej ziemi, aby wypełnić miskę z roślinami!
19135=Napełniasz miskę świeżą ziemią.
19136=Będziesz chciał zebrać świeżą ziemię, aby wyhodować zdrową roślinę!
19137=Wybierz miskę ziemi, w której chcesz zasadzić to ziarno.
19138=Musisz użyć nasion na przygotowanej glebie!
19139=W tej misce brudu jest już nasionko %s!
19140=Najpierw należy zmiękczyć brud.
19141=Zasiewasz ziarno w misce z ziemią.
19142=Musisz użyć nasion na misce ziemi!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.PTG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5331,5 +5331,16 @@
19129=Você não tem nenhuma poção forte desse tipo em seu pacote.
19130=Você só deve colocar poções em uma planta ou semente!
19131=A planta já está encharcada com esse tipo de poção!
19132=Você deve ter o objeto em sua mochila para usá-lo.
19133=Escolha um pedaço de terra para recolher.
19134=Você precisa de mais terra para encher um vaso de plantas!
19135=Você enche a tigela com terra fresca.
19136=Você vai querer juntar terra fresca para cultivar uma planta saudável!
19137=Escolha um recipiente com terra para plantar esta semente.
19138=Você deve usar uma semente em solo preparado!
19139=Esta tigela de terra já contém uma semente %s!
19140=A sujeira precisa ser amolecida primeiro.
19141=Você planta a semente na tigela de terra.
19142=Você deve usar uma semente em uma tigela de terra!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.SPA
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5331,5 +5331,16 @@
19129=No tienes ninguna poción fuerte de ese tipo en tu paquete.
19130=¡Solo debes verter pociones sobre una planta o semilla!
19131=¡La planta ya está empapada con este tipo de poción!
19132=Debes tener el objeto en tu mochila para usarlo.
19133=Elige un trozo de tierra para recoger.
19134=¡Necesitas más tierra para llenar un macetero!
19135=Llenas el recipiente con tierra fresca.
19136=¡Querrás recolectar tierra fresca para poder cultivar una planta saludable!
19137=Elija un recipiente con tierra para plantar esta semilla.
19138=¡Debes usar una semilla en algún suelo preparado!
19139=¡Este cuenco de tierra ya tiene una semilla %s!
19140=Primero es necesario ablandar la suciedad.
19141=Plantas la semilla en el cuenco de tierra.
19142=¡Debes usar una semilla en un recipiente con tierra!
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.ZRO
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5326,5 +5326,16 @@
19129=You don't have any strong potions of that type in your pack.
19130=You should only pour potions on a plant or seed!
19131=The plant is already soaked with this type of potion!
19132=You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
19133=Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
19134=You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!
19135=You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
19136=You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!
19137=Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in.
19138=You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
19139=This bowl of dirt already has a seed %s in it!
19140=The dirt needs to be softened first.
19141=You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.
19142=You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions data/js/item/plant_growing/plantbowl.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ function onUseChecked( pUser, iBowl )
var bowlOwner = GetPackOwner(iBowl, 0);
if( bowlOwner == null || bowlOwner != pUser )
pUser.SysMessage( "You must have the object in your backpack to use it." ); //You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry(19132, socket.language )); //You must have the object in your backpack to use it.
pUser.socket.tempObj = iBowl;
pUser.CustomTarget( 1, "Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up." );//Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
pUser.CustomTarget( 1, GetDictionaryEntry( 19133, socket.language ));//Choose a patch of dirt to scoop up.
return false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ function onCallback1( socket, myTarget )
if( myTarget.amount < 40 ) //amount needed
socket.SysMessage( "You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!" )
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19134, socket.language ));//You need more dirt to fill a plant bowl!
var bowlofdirt = CreateDFNItem( mChar.socket, mChar, "plantbowlOfdirt", 1, "ITEM", true );
bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantInfo", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 1 );
bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantStage", 14 );
socket.SysMessage( "You fill the bowl with fresh dirt." )
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19135, socket.language ));//You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.

if( myTarget.amount == 40 )
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function onCallback1( socket, myTarget )
var bowlofdirt = CreateDFNItem( mChar.socket, mChar, "plantbowlOfdirt", 1, "ITEM", true );
bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantInfo", 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 );
bowlofdirt.SetTag( "PlantStage", 14 );//dirt
socket.SysMessage("You fill the bowl with fresh dirt." )
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19135, socket.language ));//You fill the bowl with fresh dirt.
validTileIDFound = true;
Expand All @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function onCallback1( socket, myTarget )

if( !validTileIDFound )
socket.SysMessage( "You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!" ); // "You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!"
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19136, socket.language )); // "You'll want to gather fresh dirt in order to raise a healthy plant!"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion data/js/item/plant_growing/plantsystem.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const scriptID = 19100;// this is the script id
const PlantDelayTimer = 5000;//82800000 Every 23 hours plant grows
const PlantDelayTimer = 82800000;//82800000 Every 23 hours plant grows

function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions data/js/item/plant_growing/seed.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
pUser.socket.tempObj = iUsed;
pUser.CustomTarget( 0, "Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in." );
pUser.CustomTarget( 0, GetDictionaryEntry( 19137, pSock.language ));//Choose a bowl of dirt to plant this seed in.
return false;
Expand All @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )

function onCallback0( pSock, myTarget )
const PlantDelayTimer = 5000;//82800000 Every 23 hours plant grows
const PlantDelayTimer = 82800000;//82800000 Every 23 hours plant grows
var iUsed = pSock.tempObj;
var pUser = pSock.currentChar;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,16 +55,17 @@ function onCallback0( pSock, myTarget )
if( plantStage >= 18 ) // FullGrownPlant
// You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
pSock.SysMessage("You must use a seed on some prepared soil!");
pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19138, pSock.language ));//You must use a seed on some prepared soil!
else if( plantStage != 14 && PlantName ) // BowlOfDirt or PlantName
pSock.SysMessage( "This bowl of dirt already has a seed " + PlantName + " in it!" );
var tempMsg = GetDictionaryEntry( 19139, socket.language );
pSock.SysMessage( tempMsg.replace( /%s/gi, PlantName ));//This bowl of dirt already has a seed %s in it!
// This bowl of dirt already has a seed of %s in it!
else if( waterLevel < 2 ) // not enough water
pSock.SysMessage( "The dirt needs to be softened first." );
pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19140, pSock.language ));//The dirt needs to be softened first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,9 +138,7 @@ function onCallback0( pSock, myTarget )
myTarget.StartTimer( PlantDelayTimer, 1, 19100 );
myTarget.SetTag( "PlantStage", 1 );//Seed
objMade.SetTag( "Seed", 0 + "," + 8 + "," + iUsed.colour );//Min/max/color

// You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.
pSock.SysMessage( "You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt." );
pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19141, pSock.language ));//You plant the seed in the bowl of dirt.

if( iUsed.amount > 1 )
Expand All @@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ function onCallback0( pSock, myTarget )
pUser.SysMessage( "You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!" );//You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 19142, pSock.language ));//You must use a seed on a bowl of dirt!
return false;
Expand Down

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