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Added Dictionary msgs to all js scripts
Fixed Snowpile to only let you target a player.
Cleaned up the addondeedgump.js with descriptions and less switch cases using a new function.
  • Loading branch information
DragonSlayer62 committed Nov 17, 2023
1 parent 547f18e commit b787021
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Showing 12 changed files with 162 additions and 37 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.CSY
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=cikánský věštec
5158=železný dělník
// [5500-5600] Holiday Msgs
5500=Kam chcete umístit tuto dekoraci?
5501=Dekorace musí být umístěna vedle zdi.
5502=Toto umístění není ve vašem domě.
5503=Extrémní bolest zubů ustupuje.
5504=Máte pocit, jako byste mohli jíst, kolik chcete!
5506=Přejete si předělat tuto dekoraci?
5507=Hlášení o chybě GM
5508=Právě vás zasáhla sněhová koule!
5509=Házíte sněhovou kouli a zasáhnete cíl!
5510=Můžete házet sněhovou kouli pouze na něco, co ji může hodit zpět.
5511=Sníh ještě není připraven k zabalení. Zkoušej to dál.
5512=Opatrně balíte sníh do koule...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=Tato osoba vypadá jako %s a %t.
6001=Nemůžeš z toho udělat nic užitečného.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.ENG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=the Gypsy Fortune Teller
5157=the Vagabond
5158=the Iron Worker
// [5500-5600] Holiday Msgs
5500=Where would you like to place this decoration?
5501=The decoration must be placed next to a wall.
5502=That location is not in your house.
5503=The extreme pain in your teeth subsides.
5504=You feel as if you could eat as much as you wanted!
5506=Do you wish to re - deed this decoration ?
5507=Error Report to GM
5508=You have just been hit by a snowball!
5509=You throw the snowball and hit the target!
5510=You can only throw a snowball at something that can throw one back.
5511=The snow is not ready to be packed yet. Keep trying.
5512=You carefully pack the snow into a ball...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=That person looks %s and %t.
6001=You can't make anything useful from that.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.FRE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3422,6 +3422,19 @@
5156=la diseuse de bonne aventure gitane
5157=le Vagabond
5158=Le travailleur du fer
// [5500-5600] Messages de vacances
5500=Où souhaitez-vous placer cette décoration ?
5501=La décoration doit être placée à côté d'un mur.
5502=Cet emplacement n'est pas dans votre maison.
5503=La douleur extrême dans vos dents s'atténue.
5504=Vous avez l'impression de pouvoir manger autant que vous le souhaitez !
5506=Voulez-vous restituer cette décoration ?
5507=Rapport d'erreur au GM
5508=Vous venez d'être frappé par une boule de neige !
5509=Vous lancez la boule de neige et atteignez la cible !
5510=Vous ne pouvez lancer une boule de neige que sur quelque chose qui peut en renvoyer une.
5511=La neige n'est pas encore prête à être tassée. Continue d'essayer.
5512=Vous mettez soigneusement la neige en boule...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=Cette personne a l'air %s et %t.
6001=On ne peut pas en faire quelque chose d'utile.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.GER
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=die Zigeuner-Wahrsagerin
5157=der Vagabund
5158=der Eisenarbeiter
// [5500-5600] Feiertagsnachrichten
5500=Wo möchten Sie diese Dekoration platzieren?
5501=Die Dekoration muss neben einer Wand platziert werden.
5502=Dieser Standort befindet sich nicht in Ihrem Haus.
5503=Der extreme Schmerz in Ihren Zähnen lässt nach.
5504=Sie haben das Gefühl, Sie könnten so viel essen, wie Sie wollten!
5506=Möchten Sie diese Dekoration erneut übertragen?
5507=Fehlerbericht an GM
5508=Du wurdest gerade von einem Schneeball getroffen!
5509=Du wirfst den Schneeball und triffst das Ziel!
5510=Man kann einen Schneeball nur auf etwas werfen, das einen zurückwerfen kann.
5511=Der Schnee kann noch nicht gepackt werden. Weiter versuchen.
5512=Du packst den Schnee sorgfältig zu einer Kugel...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=Diese Person sieht %s und %t aus.
6001=Da kann man nichts Nützliches draus machen.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.ITA
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=il Cartomante Zingaro
5157=il Vagabondo
5158=il Lavoratore del Ferro
// [5500-5600] Messaggi festivi
5500=Dove vorresti posizionare questa decorazione?
5501=La decorazione deve essere posizionata vicino ad un muro.
5502=Quella posizione non è a casa tua.
5503=Il forte dolore ai denti si attenua.
5504=Ti senti come se potessi mangiare quanto vuoi!
5506=Vuoi rifare questa decorazione?
5507=Segnalazione errori al GM
5508=Sei appena stato colpito da una palla di neve!
5509=Lanci la palla di neve e colpisci il bersaglio!
5510=Puoi lanciare una palla di neve solo contro qualcosa che può respingerla.
5511=La neve non è ancora pronta per essere compattata. Continua a provare.
5512=Comprimi con cura la neve fino a formare una palla...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=Quella persona sembra %s e %t.
6001=Non puoi ricavarne nulla di utile.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.POL
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=cygański wróżbita
5158=Żelazny robotnik
// [5500-5600] Wiadomości świąteczne
5500=Gdzie chcesz umieścić tę dekorację?
5501=Dekoracja musi być umieszczona obok ściany.
5502=Ta lokalizacja nie znajduje się w twoim domu.
5503=Ogromny ból zębów ustępuje.
5504=Czujesz się tak, jakbyś mógł zjeść tyle, ile chcesz!
5506=Czy chcesz ponownie wykonać tę dekorację?
5507=Zgłoś błąd do GM
5508=Właśnie uderzyła Cię śnieżka!
5509=Rzucasz śnieżką i trafiasz w cel!
5510=Możesz rzucać śnieżką tylko w coś, co może ją odrzucić.
5511=Śnieg nie jest jeszcze gotowy do ułożenia. Próbuj dalej.
5512=Ostrożnie pakujesz śnieg w kulkę...
// [6000-6499] Różne umiejętności Msgs
6000=Ta osoba wygląda na %s i %t.
6001=Nie możesz zrobić z tego nic użytecznego.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.PTG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=A Cigana Adivinhadora
5157=O Vagabundo
5158=O Trabalhador de Ferro
// [5500-5600] Mensagens de feriado
5500=Onde você gostaria de colocar esta decoração?
5501=A decoração deve ser colocada junto a uma parede.
5502=Esse local não é na sua casa.
5503=A dor extrema em seus dentes diminui.
5504=Você sente como se pudesse comer o quanto quisesse!
5506=Deseja refazer esta decoração?
5507=Relatório de erros ao GM
5508=Você acabou de ser atingido por uma bola de neve!
5509=Você joga a bola de neve e acerta o alvo!
5510=Você só pode jogar uma bola de neve em algo que possa atirar de volta.
5511=A neve ainda não está pronta para ser compactada. Continue tentando.
5512=Você cuidadosamente empacota a neve em uma bola...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=Que a pessoa parece %s e %t.
6001=Não se pode fazer nada de útil com isso.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions data/dictionaries/dictionary.SPA
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3258,19 @@
5156=gitano adivino
5158=trabajador del hierro
// [5500-5600] Mensajes de vacaciones
5500=¿Dónde te gustaría colocar esta decoración?
5501=La decoración debe colocarse junto a una pared.
5502=Ese lugar no está en tu casa.
5503=El dolor extremo en tus dientes disminuye.
5504=¡Sientes que puedes comer todo lo que quieras!
5506=¿Desea reescribir esta decoración?
5507=Informe de error al GM
5508=¡Te acaba de golpear una bola de nieve!
5509=¡Lanzas la bola de nieve y das en el blanco!
5510=Sólo puedes lanzar una bola de nieve a algo que pueda devolverla.
5511=La nieve aún no está lista para ser empacada. Sigue intentándolo.
5512=Con cuidado, haces una bola con la nieve...
// [6000-6499] Misc Skill Msgs
6000=Esa persona parece %s y %t.
6001=No se puede hacer nada útil con eso.
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51 changes: 35 additions & 16 deletions data/js/item/holidays/addondeedgump.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
This file is here for you to have a gump with placing single item addons, example as the wreath you can select the direction and target the area you wish it to be placed.

function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
var socket = pUser.socket;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,13 +31,10 @@ function AddonGump( pUser, iUsed )
var socket = pUser.socket;
var addongump = new Gump;
var itemID = 0;
var itemID2 = 0;

switch( iUsed.GetTag( "addondeed" ))
case 1: itemID = 0x232D; itemID2 = 0x232C;
var addonID = AddonDisplayID( iUsed );
var itemID = addonID[0];
var itemID2 = addonID[1];

addongump.AddPage( 0 );
addongump.AddBackground( 0, 0, 300, 150, 0xA28 );
Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ function AddonGump( pUser, iUsed )
function onGumpPress( socket, pButton, gumpData )
var pUser = socket.currentChar;
var targMsg = "Where would you like to place this decoration?";
var targMsg = GetDictionaryEntry( 5500, socket.language );// Where would you like to place this decoration?

var iMulti = pUser.multi;
if( ValidateObject( iMulti ) && ( iMulti.IsOnOwnerList( pUser ) || ( GetServerSetting( "COOWNHOUSESONSAMEACCOUNT" ) && ValidateObject( iMulti.owner ) && iMulti.owner.accountNum == pUser.accountNum )))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,13 +95,9 @@ function onCallback0( socket, myTarget )

if( iMulti.lockdowns < iMulti.maxLockdowns )
var itemID = 0;
var itemID2 = 0;

switch( iUsed.GetTag( "addondeed" ))
case 1: itemID = 0x232C; itemID2 = 0x232D;
var addonID = AddonDisplayID( iUsed );
var itemID = addonID[0];
var itemID2 = addonID[1];

var addonitem = CreateDFNItem( socket, mChar, "0x232D", 1, "ITEM", true );
addonitem.Teleport( targX, targY, targZ );
Expand All @@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ function onCallback0( socket, myTarget )
socket.SysMessage( "The decoration must be placed next to a wall." );
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5501, socket.language ));// The decoration must be placed next to a wall.
addonitem.SetTag( "addon", 1 );
Expand All @@ -129,10 +126,32 @@ function onCallback0( socket, myTarget )
socket.SysMessage( "That location is not in your house." ); // That location is not in your house.
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5502, socket.language )); // That location is not in your house.

The purpose of this function to determining itemID and itemID2 values based on the result of calling GetTag("addondeed") on the iUsed object.
If the result is 1, it sets specific values for itemID and itemID2; otherwise, they remain 0.
The function then returns an array containing these values. To a Gump and targetting cursor.
Example of Dedd you make and add addondeed tag to
customint=addondeed 2 < long as you change this number the case below needs to match up.
in the switch add case 2 and the two ids you want to be displayed on gump for west wall and north wall.
function AddonDisplayID( iUsed )
var itemID = 0;
var itemID2 = 0;
switch( iUsed.GetTag( "addondeed" ))
case 1: itemID = 0x232D; itemID2 = 0x232C; break;
default: break;

return [itemID, itemID2];

function CheckForNearbyDoors( myTarget, itemToCheck, pSocket )
if( ValidateObject( itemToCheck ))
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions data/js/item/holidays/candy.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function onUseChecked(pUser, iUsed)
if( Acidity == 30 )
socket.SysMessage( "The extreme pain in your teeth subsides." );
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry(5503, socket.language ));// The extreme pain in your teeth subsides.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function onUseChecked(pUser, iUsed)
socket.SysMessage("You feel as if you could eat as much as you wanted!");
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry(5504, socket.language ));//You feel as if you could eat as much as you wanted!
pUser.SoundEffect(randomSoundNumber, false);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function onTimer( pUser, timerID )
if( Acidity == 30 )
socket.SysMessage( "The extreme pain in your teeth subsides." );
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5503, socket.language ));// The extreme pain in your teeth subsides.
pUser.StartTimer( 1000, 1, true );
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20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions data/js/item/holidays/redeedaddon.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ function ReDeedAddon( pUser, iUsed )
var wreathaddongump = new Gump;

wreathaddongump.AddPage( 0 );
wreathaddongump.AddBackground(0, 0, 220, 170, 0x13BE);
wreathaddongump.AddBackground(10, 10, 200, 150, 0xBB8);
wreathaddongump.AddBackground( 0, 0, 220, 170, 0x13BE );
wreathaddongump.AddBackground( 10, 10, 200, 150, 0xBB8 );

wreathaddongump.AddHTMLGump(20, 30, 180, 60, 0, 0, "<basefont color=#ffffff>Do you wish to re - deed this decoration ?</basefont>");
wreathaddongump.AddHTMLGump(55, 100, 160, 25, 0, 0, "<basefont color=#ffffff>CONTINUE</basefont>");
wreathaddongump.AddButton(20, 100, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, 0, 1);
wreathaddongump.AddHTMLGump(55, 125, 160, 25, 0, 0, "<basefont color=#ffffff>CANCEL</basefont>");
wreathaddongump.AddButton(20, 125, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, 0, 0);
wreathaddongump.AddHTMLGump( 20, 30, 180, 60, 0, 0, "<basefont color=#ffffff>" + GetDictionaryEntry( 5506, socket.language ) + "</basefont>" );
wreathaddongump.AddHTMLGump( 55, 100, 160, 25, 0, 0, "<basefont color=#ffffff>CONTINUE</basefont>" );
wreathaddongump.AddButton( 20, 100, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, 0, 1 );
wreathaddongump.AddHTMLGump( 55, 125, 160, 25, 0, 0, "<basefont color=#ffffff>CANCEL</basefont>" );
wreathaddongump.AddButton( 20, 125, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, 0, 0 );

wreathaddongump.Send( pUser );
Expand All @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ function onGumpPress( pSock, pButton, gumpData )
var pUser = pSock.currentChar;
var iUsed = pSock.tempObj;
var iMulti = FindMulti(iUsed.x, iUsed.y, iUsed.z, pSock.currentChar.worldnumber);

var deedName = "";
switch( pButton )
Expand All @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ function onGumpPress( pSock, pButton, gumpData )
case "0x232D":
case "wreathaddon": deedName = "WreathDeed"; break;
pSock.SysMessage( "Error Report to GM" );
pSock.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5507, pSock.language ));
Expand All @@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ function onGumpPress( pSock, pButton, gumpData )

if( deedName != "" )
var deeditem = CreateDFNItem(pSock, pSock.currentChar, deedName, 1, "ITEM", true );
var deeditem = CreateDFNItem( pSock, pSock.currentChar, deedName, 1, "ITEM", true );
if( ValidateObject( deeditem ))
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions data/js/item/holidays/snowpile.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
//Check to see if it's locked down
if( iUsed.movable == 2 || iUsed.movable == 3 )
socket.SysMessage(GetDictionaryEntry( 774, socket.language )); // That is locked down and you cannot use it
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 774, socket.language )); // That is locked down and you cannot use it
return false;
var itemOwner = GetPackOwner( iUsed, 0 );
if( itemOwner == null || itemOwner.serial != pUser.serial )
pUser.SysMessage(GetDictionaryEntry( 1763, socket.language )); // // The item must be in your backpack to use it.
pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 1763, socket.language )); // // The item must be in your backpack to use it.
return false;
else if( pUser.isonhorse )
pUser.SysMessage(GetDictionaryEntry(2713, socket.language)); // You cannot use this while riding a mount.
pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry(2713, socket.language )); // You cannot use this while riding a mount.
return false;

Expand All @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )

//the addition of the false-flag in the EmoteMessage below tells the server to only
//send the message to this character
pUser.SysMessage( "You carefully pack the snow into a ball..." ); //You carefully pack the snow into a ball...
pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5512, socket.language )); //You carefully pack the snow into a ball...
pUser.StartTimer( 5000, 0, true );
else if( pUser.GetTempTag( "snowpile" ) == 1 )
pUser.SysMessage( "The snow is not ready to be packed yet. Keep trying." ); // The snow is not ready to be packed yet. Keep trying.
pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5511, socket.language )); // The snow is not ready to be packed yet. Keep trying.
Expand All @@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ function onCallback0( socket, myTarget )
pUser.visible = 0;

if( !socket.GetWord(1) && myTarget.isChar )
if (!socket.GetWord(1) && myTarget.isChar && myTarget.socket )
pUser.DoAction( 0x9 );
pUser.SoundEffect( 0x145, true );
DoMovingEffect( pUser.x, pUser.y, pUser.z + 15, myTarget.x, myTarget.y, myTarget.z + 3, 0x36E4, 0x7, 0x00, true, 0x480, 0 );
myTarget.SysMessage( "You have just been hit by a snowball!" ); // You have just been hit by a snowball!
pUser.SysMessage( "You throw the snowball and hit the target!" ); // You throw the snowball and hit the target!
myTarget.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry(5508, socket.language )); // You have just been hit by a snowball!
pUser.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry (5509, socket.language )); // You throw the snowball and hit the target!
socket.SysMessage( "You can only throw a snowball at something that can throw one back." ); // You can only throw a snowball at something that can throw one back.
socket.SysMessage( GetDictionaryEntry( 5510, socket.language )); // You can only throw a snowball at something that can throw one back.

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