Represents a base class to process updates on a given EntityMultiMap<TKey> instance.
Only Get<T>() operations on already present component type are safe.
Any other operation maybe change the inner EntityMultiMap<TKey> and should be done either by setting "useBuffer" of the available constructors to true or using an EntityCommandRecorder.
public abstract class AEntityMultiMapSystem<TState,TKey> :
The type of the object used as state to update the system.
The type of the component used as key.
Inheritance System.Object 🡒 AEntityMultiMapSystem<TState,TKey>
Implements DefaultEcs.System.ISystem<TState>, System.IDisposable
Properties | |
IsEnabled | Gets or sets whether the current AEntityMultiMapSystem<TState,TKey> instance should update or not. |
MultiMap | Gets the EntityMultiMap<TKey> instance on which this system operates. |
World | Gets the World instance on which this system operates. |
Methods | |
Dispose() | Disposes of the inner EntityMultiMap<TKey> instance. |
GetKeys() | Gets all the TKey of the inner EntityMultiMap<TKey> which Entity instances will be updated. |
PostUpdate(TState) | Performs a post-update treatment. |
PostUpdate(TState, TKey) | Performs a post-update per TKey treatment. |
PreUpdate(TState) | Performs a pre-update treatment. |
PreUpdate(TState, TKey) | Performs a pre-update per TKey treatment. |
Update(TState) | Updates the system once. Does nothing if IsEnabled is false or if the inner EntityMultiMap<TKey> is empty. |
Update(TState, TKey, Entity) | Update the given Entity instance once. |
Update(TState, TKey, ReadOnlySpan<Entity>) | Update the given Entity instances once. |