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Diba+Municipis Application

This a example of use of Diputació de Barcelona's Open Data API.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository: git clone
  • Run npm install from the project root.
  • Install the ionic CLI (npm install -g ionic)
  • Run ionic serve in a terminal from the project root.
  • Profit

Note: Is your build slow? Update npm to 3.x: npm install -g npm.



Use Cases

App Preview

All app preview screenshots were taken by running ionic serve --lab. Except for the map view, because it is a native component of Ionic

File Structure of App

├-- .github/                                    * GitHub files
│   ├──                         * Documentation on contributing to this repo
│   └──                       * Template used to populate issues in this repo
|-- resources/
|    |-- android/                               * Resources for android platform
|    |    └── icon
|    |    |   └── ...
|    |    ├── splash
|    |    |   └── ...
|    |    └── icon.png
|    |
|    |-- ios/                                   * Resources for ios platform
|    |    └── icon
|    |    |   └── ...
|    |    ├── splash
|    |    |   └── ...
|    |    └── icon.png
|    |
|    |-- screenshots/                           * Screenshots
|    |        └── ...
|    |
|    └── splash.png
|-- src/
|    |-- app/
|    |    ├── app.component.ts
|    |    ├── app.html
|    |    ├── app.module.ts
|    |    ├── app.scss
|    |    └── main.ts
|    |
|    |-- assets/
|    |    ├── i18n/                             * Internationalization (i18n)
|    |    |    ├── ca.json                      * Català
|    |    |    ├── en.json                      * English
|    |    |    └── es.json                      * Español
|    |    |
|    |    ├── icon/
|    |    |     └── favicon.ico
|    |    |
|    |    └── img/
|    |          ├── appicon.png
|    |          └── appicon.svg
|    |
|    |-- pages/                                 * Contains all of our pages
│    │    │
│    │    ├── activities/                       * Activities page
│    │    │    ├── activities.html              * ActivitiesPage template
│    │    │    ├── activities.scss              * ActivitiesPage code
│    │    │    └── activities.ts                * ActivitiesPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── activities-detail/                * Activities-detail page
│    │    │    ├── activities-detail.html       * ActivitiesDetailPage template
│    │    │    ├── activities-detail.scss       * ActivitiesDetailPage code
│    │    │    └── activities-detail.ts         * ActivitiesDetailPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── activities-filter/                * Activities-filter page
│    │    │    ├── activities-filter.html       * ActivitiesFilterPage template
│    │    │    ├── activities-filter.scss       * ActivitiesFilterPage code
│    │    │    └── activities-filter.ts         * ActivitiesFilterPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── activities-list/                  * Activities-list page
│    │    │    ├── activities-list.html         * ActivitiesListPage template
│    │    │    ├── activities-list.scss         * ActivitiesListPage code
│    │    │    └── activities-list.ts           * ActivitiesListPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── activities-map/                   * Activities-map page
│    │    │    ├── activities-map.html          * ActivitiesMapPage template
│    │    │    ├── activities-map.scss          * ActivitiesMapPage code
│    │    │    └── activities-map.ts            * ActivitiesMapPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── municipis/                        * Municipis page
│    │    │    ├── municipis.html               * MunicipisPage template
│    │    │    ├── municipis.scss               * MunicipisPage code
│    │    │    └── municipis.ts                 * MunicipisPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── municipis-detail/                 * Municipis-detail page
│    │    │    ├── activities-detail.html       * MunicipisDetailPage template
│    │    │    ├── activities-detail.scss       * MunicipisDetailPage code
│    │    │    └── activities-detail.ts         * MunicipisDetailPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── pois/                             * Pois page
│    │    │    ├── pois.html                    * PoisPage template
│    │    │    ├── pois.scss                    * PoisPage code
│    │    │    └── pois.ts                      * PoisPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── pois-detail/                      * Pois-detail page
│    │    │    ├── pois-detail.html             * PoisDetailPage template
│    │    │    ├── pois-detail.scss             * PoisDetailPage code
│    │    │    └── pois-detail.ts               * PoisDetailPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── pois-filter/                      * Pois-filter page
│    │    │    ├── pois-filter.html             * PoisFilterPage template
│    │    │    ├── pois-filter.scss             * PoisFilterPage code
│    │    │    └── pois-filter.ts               * PoisFilterPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    ├── pois-list/                        * Pois-list page
│    │    │    ├── pois-list.html               * PoisListPage template
│    │    │    ├── pois-list.scss               * PoisListPage code
│    │    │    └── pois-list.ts                 * PoisListPage stylesheet
│    │    │
│    │    └── pois-map/                         * Pois-map page
│    │         ├── pois-map.html                * PoisMapPage template
│    │         ├── pois-map.scss                * PoisMapPage code
│    │         └── pois-map.ts                  * PoisMapPage stylesheet
│    │  
│    ├── pipes/                                 * Contains all of our pipes
│    │     └── date-format.ts                   * UserData code
│    │
│    ├── providers/                             * Contains all Injectables
│    │     ├── open-data.ts                     * OpenData code
│    │     ├── params-data.ts                   * ParamsData code
│    │     └── user-data.ts                     * UserData code
│    │
│    ├── theme/                                 * App theme files
|    |     └── variables.scss                   * App Shared Sass Variables
|    |
|    |-- declarations.d.ts                       
|    |-- index.html                              
|    |-- manifest.json                           
|    └── service-working.js                     
|-- www/
|    └── .gitignore                             * git ignore file
├── .editorconfig                               * Defines coding styles between editors
├── .gitignore                                  * git ignore file
├── .io-config.json                             
├── LICENSE                                     * Apache License
├──                                   * This file
├── config.xml                                  * Cordova configuration file
├── ionic.config.json                           * Ionic configuration file
├── package.json                                * Defines our JavaScript dependencies
├── tsconfig.json                               * Defines the root files and the compiler options
└── tslint.json                                 * Defines the rules for the TypeScript linter