MarioDB is a levelDB-based DBMS (Database Management System).
MarioDB has implemented basic stand-alone function based on C/S, and is considering joining the distributed service. As a k/v database, marioDB supports unstructured data.
Currently MarioDB has only one test client implemented with go (, it's not a real dababase client, just for testing purposes. But when I finish all the design of MarioDB, I will complete the implementation of the client.
MarioDB supports both local startup and docker startup with some custom parameters.
(1) golang 1.13 (Should work if golang>=1.11 or higher.) (2) GO111MODULE=on (go module environment)
(1) go get (2) go build main.go (In the path of MarioDB) (3) ./main -h (This command can see the specific meanings of all parameters, printed as follows)
-ip string IP (Default:
-port string Port (Default: 45555)
-dbPath string Database's data path (Default: /home/diode)
-maxClient string Max count of connected clients (Default: 100)
-dbLRUMax string Max count of db caches in LRU (Default: 100)
Example: ./main.go -ip -port 50000 -dbPath /home/diode/levelDB_database_root/ -maxClient 20 -dbLRUMax 20
(1) sudo docker build -t mariodb:latest . (2) docker run -dit --network host -v /home/diode/dbdatapath:/root/data mariodb -ip -port 45555 -dbPath /root/data -maxClient 20 -dbLRUMax 20
- Implement a logging system to increase availability.
- Load balancing, read/write separation.
- Basic distributed services based on log system and raft.
- Cluster deployment of distributed services.