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Real-time IoT Data Streaming

Experimenting with IoT using android smartphone sensors and streaming the generated data real time to kafka and further processed, aggregated and stored using ELK stack.


For detailed description of this project read my Medium post.


  • Docker Engine version 19.03 or newer
  • Docker Compose version 1.25.5 or newer
  • 3 GB of RAM allocated to docker
  • Smartphone with Android OS 2.3.3 and above


Install Sensorstream IMU+GPS in your android device. The smartphone should be connected to the same network as the machine running the docker containers.

  • Open the Sensorstream IMU+GPS app
  • In Preferences section update the Target IP address text area with the local ip of the machine running docker.
  • Click in radio buttton UDP stream as we don't want to store a replica of data in the android phone.
  • Check Run in Background
  • In Toggle Sesnors section check Battery Temp. and Include User-Checked Sesnor Data in Stream

By default, the stack exposes the following ports:

  • 5555: kafka producer UDP input
  • 9093: Kafka port for host interaction
  • 9200: Elasticsearch HTTP
  • 9300: Elasticsearch TCP transport
  • 5601: Kibana


$ docker-compose up

Then click Switch Stream button in Sensorstream IMU+GPS app to switch on the stream.

Querying the sensor data / Data Visualization

Open kibana in your browser using url http://localhost:5601

  • Click on the discover button on the left navigation bar.
  • Kibana will prompt you to Define index pattern type logstash-* and press next
  • Step 2 you will be asked to choose th Time Filter field name select @timestamp from the drop down and press Create Index
  • Now go to discover section. You can see the data coming in from the android smartphone.