Developer-friendly, simple CMS for Django, "flatpages on steroids".
- edit pages in Admin using syntax highlighting - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django template language
- edit pages as files using your favourite text editor or IDE
- on demand synchronization of pages between database and file system using Django commands
- integration with Django's template system
- attach custom server-side logic to a page through configurable Page Processors
- sitemap.xml
Install package using pip:
pip install django-powerpages
Add 'powerpages'
in your settings module:
# absolute path to directory, where page files are located:
'SYNC_DIRECTORY': '/path/to/directory/'
Include app's URLs at the end of your urlconf:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'', include('powerpages.urls', namespace='powerpages')),
Run migrations:
python migrate
Admin interface allows to edit pages using the following fields:
- URL - unique address of every page
- Alias - optional code name for page to be used to resolve it's URL address
- Title, Description, Keywords - convenience fields to work with meta-tags
- Template - page's content as a Django template source
- Page Processor and Page Processor Config - options to assign and customize server-side logic
URL addresses of pages can be reversed in templates by using {% page_url alias %}
This template tag can also reverse URLs of regular Django views.
Page templates work as regular Django's templates with few modifications:
{% extends ... %}
tag should not be used:
- by default each template inherits from template of parent page
- parent template can be overwritten by providing
base template
option to the page processor config
{% load ... %}
tag is not necessary:
- template tag libraries from
are loaded automatically - additional libraries may be provided using
tag libraries
in page processor config
Page Processor field allows to select a Python class responsible for processing requests for current page.
Page processor can be configured using YAML config in Page Processor Config field.
Default value, powerpages.DefaultPageProcessor
just renders page content and returns the output as 200 OK
Other predefined options are:
- creates301 Moved Permanently
or302 Found
response depending on booleanpermanent
parameter. Redirect location is provided by URL (parameterto url
), view name (to name
) or Page alias (to alias
- generates404 Not Found
Example configuration of default page processor:
base template: myapp/base.html
context processors:
- myapp.context_processors.context
tag libraries:
- myapp_tags
headers: {x-magic-id: '42'}
cache: 300
cache for user: true
sitemap: false
To define a custom page processor you may create a subclass of DefaultPageProcessor
file in your app:
# myapp/
from powerpages.page_processors import DefaultPageProcessor
from powerpages.page_processor_registry import register
class MyPageProcessor(DefaultPageProcessor):
def process_request(self, request, extra_context=None):
"""Process a request and create HTTP Response."""
# Put your custom view logic here
Button "Edit mode" in Admin allows to show information about current page while browsing the website.
User enables "Edit mode" for current session in Admin using Edit mode button.
This mode works only if template tag {% current_page_info %}
has been added to the template source.
Export pages from database to file system is done by website_dump
All pages are saved as structure of files and directories inside settings.POWER_PAGES['SYNC_DIRECTORY']
Exported pages can be modified using text editor and later loaded again into the database.
python website_dump
Example structure of output directory:
Each of dumped files has the following structure:
... page fields as JSON
... template content (plain text)
Import pages from directory into database is done using website_load
python website_load
Both website commands accept a variety of options to tweak their behaviour.
For the full list of options, use --help
comes with a system for defining XML Sitemaps (alternative to django.contrib.sitemaps
By default, all accessible pages are listed as URLs in sitemap.xml
To remove a page from the sitemap user may add the following option to page processor config:
sitemap: false
option may be used to modify page's sitemap params:
sitemap: {changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.9}
Default values for changefreq
and priority
for all URLs can be set using settings.POWER_PAGES
# (...)
To add custom URLs from your app to the sitemap you may define and register
a subclass of Sitemap
or ModelSitemap
class inside
file in your app:
# myapp/
from powerpages import sitemap_config
from myapp.models import MyModel
class MyModelSitemap(sitemap_config.ModelSitemap):
"""Sitemap config for Storage Powered by Open-E document files"""
queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
class MyStaticSitemap(sitemap_config.Sitemap):
items = (
{'location': sitemap_config.NamedURL('myview')},
{'location': sitemap_config.NamedURL('myview2', param='value')}
Python: 2.7, 3.4, 3.5
Django: 1.9, 1.10